MSM: 1 in 100 U.S. Adults Behind Bars, New Study Says

For the first time in the nation’s history, more than one in 100 American adults is behind bars, according to a new report.

Nationwide, the prison population grew by 25,000 last year, bringing it to almost 1.6 million. Another 723,000 people are in local jails. The number of American adults is about 230 million, meaning that one in every 99.1 adults is behind bars.

Incarceration rates are even higher for some groups. One in 36 Hispanic adults is behind bars, based on Justice Department figures for 2006. One in 15 black adults is, too, as is one in nine black men between the ages of 20 and 34. Continue reading

Homeland Security Contracts for Vast New Detention Camps – Feb 08, 2006

Editor’s Note: A little-known $385 million contract for Halliburton subsidiary KBR to build detention facilities for “an emergency influx of immigrants” is another step down the Bush administration’s road toward martial law, the writer says.

BERKELEY, Calif.–A Halliburton subsidiary has just received a $385 million contract from the Department of Homeland Security to provide “temporary detention and processing capabilities.” Continue reading

Film: Money, Banking and the Federal Reserve

Thomas Jefferson and Andrew Jackson understood “The Monster”. But to most Americans today, Federal Reserve is just a name on the dollar bill. They have no idea of what the central bank does to the economy, or to their own economic lives; of how and why it was founded and operates; or of the sound money and banking that could end the statism, inflation, and business cycles that the Fed generates. Dedicated to Murray N. Rothbard, steeped in American history and Austrian economics, and featuring Ron Paul, Joseph Salerno, Hans Hoppe, and Lew Rockwell, this extraordinary new film is the clearest, most compelling explanation ever offered of the Fed, and why curbing it must be our first priority. Alan Greenspan is not, we’re told, happy about this 42-minute blockbuster. Watch it, and you’ll understand why. This is economics and history as they are meant to be: fascinating, informative, and motivating. This movie could change America Continue reading

Video: Richards Gebaur Is The NAU/SPP Hub – 2008

The last year of my life has been a real journey of truth. I have been hearing unconfirmed reports of three military bases in Missouri that are on different lists which link them to The NAU/SPP and on site internment camps being built, so I drove up from Florida last week to prove or disprove these reports. Here is information from my first day of investigation. Once listed as one of America’s top 100 airports, Richards Gebaur Air Force Base is now being transformed into the main train rail hub for The North American Union (The NAU/The SPP). Continue reading


In April 1984, President Reagan signed Presidential Directorate Number 54 that allowed FEMA to engage in a secret national “readiness exercise” under the code name of REX 84. The exercise was to test FEMA’s readiness to assume military authority in the event of a “State of Domestic National Emergency” concurrent with the launching of a direct United States military operation in Central America. The plan called for the deputation of U.S. military and National Guard units so that they could legally be used for domestic law enforcement. Continue reading

Video: The Economy

Universal Currency Converter

I urge you to go to the above link and convert US Dollars into Euros. You will be alarmed to see where our dollar stands in the global marketplace.

On a personal note, I have been getting hundreds of emails recently asking advice about economic issues facing us all today, and what should be done right now with personal assets and investments. This is a very difficult question to ask at any time, but right now with the current economic situation we find ourselves in, these are especially difficult questions to answer. The problem I personally have in speaking the truth is that it feels so damn un-American to say what has to be said. First of all, in my opinion and others, the U.S. Economy is finished and will crash between September 2008 and mid 2009. Continue reading

How Central Banks Destabilized the World’s Economies

The crisis that America finds itself in is not political in origin nor can it be laid at the feet of any individual or party. The whole world, including Europe, is experiencing a massive monetary disruption. Moreover, it is not the first time that the world has been shaken by a financial crisis. It happened in 1824 and it happened again after WW I. What is depressing is that though these crises have but one single cause today’ s central bankers and legions of economists find themselves utterly clueless, readily taking as a causes those data which are in fact symptoms of a very deep monetary disorder.
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MSM: Warning signs of an Israeli strike on Iran

Some key decision makers in Israel fear that unless they attack Iranian nuclear enrichment facilities in the next few months, while George W Bush is still president, there will not be another period when they can rely on the United States as being anywhere near as supportive in the aftermath of a unilateral attack.

In the past 40 years there have been few occasions when I have been more concerned about a specific conflict escalating to involve, economically, the whole world. We are watching a disinformation exercise involving a number of intelligence services. Reality is becoming ever harder to disentangle. Continue reading

Ron Paul – Sickness Unto Debt

One of the burning questions regarding the recently passed bailout, and the one that almost no one has bothered to answer, is how the government intends to pay for it. Governments have three main methods by which they can raise funds: taxation, printing new money, and debt. As our $10 trillion national debt shows, the federal government has always enjoyed raising money by issuing new debt. Money is gained upfront, while the cost of repaying that debt is pushed onto future generations.
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Video: Brown – Use This Crisis To Create New Financial World Order

British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has called for a new Bretton Woods system, saying that the financial crisis should be used to make world leaders agree to fresh rules and regulations under a long planned new global financial order.

“Sometimes it takes a crisis for people to agree that what is obvious and should have been done years ago, can no longer be postponed,” Brown told an audience earlier today.
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Why Gold Is Dropping When It Should Be Rising

Why is gold dropping right now when anyone in their sane mind would expect it to rise? The simple answer to this question is, “because Comex-gold isn’t gold” – and because it deceptively pretends to be ‘the’ price-setter for real gold.

Gold is gold, paper is paper, and “Comex gold” is nothing but paper masquerading as gold while simultaneously pretending to be the price-setting medium for actual gold in the world. Now, finally, Comex-gold is in the process of being unmasked.

The real supply and demand determinants for Comex gold are not actual gold investors but fund managers . Fund managers are inextricably intertwined with the world of contract-based credit instruments. They use bet on Comex gold contracts to hedge their other (currently horrendously losing) bets with something they all, in their in-bred belief in paper markets, believe will ‘go up’ in value while everything else is going down. Continue reading

Video: Aldous Huxley’s Mind Control and Depopulation Interview

Guest: Aldous Huxley

WALLACE: This is Aldous Huxley, a man haunted by a vision of hell on earth. A searing social critic, Mr. Huxley 27 years ago, wrote Brave New World, a novel that predicted that some day the entire world would live under a frightful dictatorship. Today Mr. Huxley says that his fictional world of horror is probably just around the corner for all of us. We’ll find out why, in a moment. Continue reading

Rescue for the Few, Debt Slavery for the Many

We are now entering the financial End Time. Bailout “Plan A” (buy the junk mortgages) has failed, “Plan B” (buy ersatz stocks in the banks to recapitalize them without wiping out current mismanagers) is fizzling, and the debts still can’t be paid. That is the reality Wall Street avoids confronting. “First they ignore you, then they denounce you, and then they say that they knew what you were saying all the time,” said Gandhi. The same might be said of today’s overhang of debts in excess of the economy’s ability to pay. First the policy makers pretend that they can be paid, then they denounce the pessimists as spreading panic, and then they say that of course students have been taught for four thousand years now how the “magic of compound interest” keeps on doubling and redoubling debts faster than the economy can squeeze out an economic surplus to pay. Continue reading

The October Surprise: Global Panic

Since 9/11, the notion of an October surprise has been around. The idea going something like this. Another real or manufactured terror attack. The dominant media stokes fear. The public is again traumatized. The Bush administration pledges all effective measures to protect national security. Formerly seizes total power. Suspends the Constitution and declares martial law. Mass detentions follow. Beginning with dissenters and elements of the public considered “dangerous.”
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Dollar, Euro, Sterling May Be Destroyed Zimbabwe-Style

Private investment advisor Martin Hennecke warned this morning that the endless printing of money to bail out collapsing banks would lead to hyperinflation and the Zimbabwe-style destruction of the dollar, euro and sterling.

Asked by CNBC how the three currencies could be destroyed, Hennecke, senior manager of private clients at Tyche, highlighted the collapse of Iceland’s banks.

“They have a lot of external debt in other currencies so they wouldn’t be able to print up more of their own currency – meaning hyperinflation to get out of their debt – but the UK, the U.S. and the rest of Europe could do it….this is the first step down the road to hyperinflation,” said Hennecke. Continue reading

MSM: Paulson calls a meeting of major U.S. banks

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve are meeting on Monday with “leading financial market participants” to finalize details on a market stabilization initiative, a Treasury spokeswoman said.

The confirmation of the meeting comes as several European countries have announced initiatives to recapitalize banks and guarantee interbank lending. The Treasury and Fed could announce a similar initiative as early as Tuesday. The Wall Street Journal reported that U.S. Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson had called a meeting with top bank chiefs for 3 p.m. ET.
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MSM: British Government Pumps $63B Into Banks

The British government injected an unprecedented 37 billion pounds ($63 billion) into the country’s leading banks Monday to avoid a full-scale collapse of the sector.

In return for the rescue, the Royal Bank of Scotland Group PLC (RBS: 1.23, -0.22, -15.17%), Lloyds TSB Group PLC and HBOS PLC will cede majority control to the government and halt cash bonuses for bank board members this year. The banks will also be required to lend more money to small- and medium-sized businesses and homeowners in a bid to rescue the country’s housing market.
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China Given Right To Evict Americans From Homes?

China With $1.4 trillion of securitized debt and Americans with no production to pay it off. China is largest landowner in US and is being given right to evict at will…

In rapid response to China’s demands that they be granted immediate access to their American properties to protect their ‘investments’, the United States is enacting a new law titled the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act of 2008, and which in Section 101, Paragraph 7:3 chillingly states:

“Designating financial institutions as financial agents of the Federal Government, and such institutions shall perform all such reasonable duties related to this Act as financial agents of the Federal Government as may be required.”

The United States Federal Reserve has further notified the China Development Bank, the second largest bank in Asia and the main holder of US mortgage debt instruments, that they will be designated by the US Secretary of the Treasury as one of the financial institutions protected by this extraordinary new law, and which, according to these reports, will empower Chinese policing authorities the right to act as law enforcement officers in the United States including granting them the right to evict American citizens from homes whose mortgage debt is held by China” Continue reading

Bond Market Collapse is Imminent

Imagine a country such as Venezuela announced that it was bailing out an investment bank, then just days later said it was nationalizing its mortgage industry, and then just days later that it was bailing out its biggest insurance company, and then just days later its government pledged 700B$ to inject into its failing banks, and then just days later its stock market fell 20%. Would you feel comfortable having your money invested in such a country, in its stock market, in its bond market or in its currency?
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Can Congress Bail Out of the Bailout?

We are now entering the financial End Time.

Bailout “Plan A” (buy the junk mortgages) has failed, “Plan B” (buy ersatz stocks in the banks to recapitalize them without wiping out current mismanagers) is fizzling, and the debts still can’t be paid.

That is the reality Wall Street avoids confronting.
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