MSM: Muslim fanatic prisoners to be ‘de-programmed’ using controversial techniques to ‘cure’ them of beliefs

Psychologists in the Prison Service will try to ‘cure’ extremist Muslim inmates of their political beliefs with controversial therapies similar to those used to ‘de-programme’ members of religious cults.
The experimental treatments are being developed by a special Extremism Unit set up by the Ministry of Justice in January last year, The Mail on Sunday has discovered.
Sources say the therapy forms part of a wide-ranging strategy to combat Islamic extremism in Britain’s jails.
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Where Inflation Came From – Paul Craig Roberts

October 20, 2008 – Anyone who has been alive very long is aware that the US government has failed on the inflation front. Soft drink machines that once delivered a bottled drink for a nickel now charge a dollar, a twenty- fold increase in price. Continue reading

Video: U.S. Army prepares to invade U.S.

The plans to implement martial law in America have been taking shape for decades, hidden behind “Continuity of Government” contingency planning. Now, with public outcry over the banker bailout bill at fever pitch, all of the pieces are in place for the U.S. Army to start policing American citizens.

Going Down with the Ship to the Darkening Deep

The Guardian had a fine example of the sort of misdirection disinfo that the press everywhere has dropped to a coarse art; I really didn’t want to say, “raised to a fine art.’ You might think of MI5 as being the British version of the FBI and MI6 as the British version or the CIA, although I understand that England is setting up their own FBI under the head of a former MI5 head… I guess all those acronyms can get confusing and let’s face it… when you need to control the world in a way that most people don’t want you to, you soon find you have more enforcement agencies than the number of casual affairs by politicians and religious leaders. Continue reading

MSM: Worst slump since Great Depression

Major industrialised economies will suffer the worst slump since the 1930s, according to new research from Deutsche Bank.

The warning underlines the fact that policymakers have failed to prevent the financial crisis from turning into a full-blown economic slump. It comes as world leaders agreed to hold a summit in New York billed as the “Bretton Woods meeting for the 21st century”. Continue reading

Let It Collapse!

So the tax-payer hand-out will “save” Wall Street from its own predations. Any reasonable man, of course, would wish the pig-fuckers to fry in their own feces. Let the free market carry out their corpses to the gutter. And mine too, perhaps, for as a magazine writer I depend on the thoughtlessness and blind-mole cupidity of credit-card consumerism – the credit system now imploding – to feed the ad-market that feeds the magazines that pay my bills. Without dumb blondes buying Manohlo Blahniks and metrosexuals fawning over prawns in overpriced restaurants, my paycheck turns to dust. Continue reading

Expedition Sets Off for Antarctic Mountains That “Shouldn’t Be There”

Antarctica landscapeAn international team of bundled-up scientists will soon set off for Antarctica’s interior in a quest to learn about the continent’s most massive and mysterious mountain range; although the Gamburtsev mountains are as high and mighty as Europe’s Alps, even the tallest peak is buried beneath 2 miles of ice. Now, during the southern hemisphere’s summer, the researchers will investigate how the Gamburtsevs formed in a place where scientists say no mountains should be. Continue reading

The Derivatives Time-Bomb: The Real WMD

A £516 Trillion Derivatives ‘Time-Bomb’

Not for nothing did US billionaire Warren Buffett call them The Real ‘Weapons Of Mass Destruction’

The market is worth more than $516 trillion, (£303 trillion), roughly 10 times the value of the entire world’s output: it’s been called the “ticking time-bomb”.

It’s a market in which the lead protagonists – typically aggressive, highly educated, and now wealthy young men – have flourished in the derivatives boom. But it’s a market that is set to come to a crashing halt – the Great Unwind has begun. Continue reading

Economic Peace

October 18, 2008 Economic peace can be defined as that state wherein people are provided the minimum necessities of life – food, water, clothing, health care and education. In tandem with this provision, people must be guaranteed adequate purchasing power. This definition correlates with numerous treaties and conventions of international law. In contrast, economic warfare can be defined as the “structural violation of human rights”[1] that occurs when government-corporate policies wreak economic havoc on the common people, rendering them without their fundamental human needs. Images come to mind of starving, disease-ridden children in Darfur and Haiti. It is unnecessary poverty caused by faulty economic structures. With the Indian government adopting a neoliberal ideology, the implications for small farmers as well as tribals are devastating. Land wars have erupted across the nation in the face of corporate land grab of small farms and tribal lands.[2] To date more than 150,000 farmers have committed suicide due primarily to high-priced imported seeds, fertilizers and pesticides. Continue reading

Video: Oil and the Economic Meltdown – Alex Jones on Press TV

Alex Jones joins a panel of experts to discuss the financial meltdown, the price of oil, inflation and the devaluation of the dollar, and how the bailout is a global consolidation of real assets and a centralization of economic power on behalf of the elite. Pt 1 of 5 ->

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