Expose The Criminals Before They Kill You

We can defeat enslavement by global financial crime if we all can agree on what their crime have been, and what those crimes have cost us, and if we can disconnect from their programmed deceit and move as one mass, in every city and village in united opposition to the debt slavery, wage-slavery, monopoly-slavery, dumb-down slavery, rigged-election slavery, monetary slavery systems that are our chains.

I think I understand the entire Kelptastrophe crime and can explain it to you clearly enough that everyone will have sufficient reason to come together for whole-population resistance and liberation.

Sorry I don’t have time to polish the presentation — consider it a battlefield dispatch. This nation is being overrun by financial vandals disguised as regulators and bankers — as destructive as any invasion in history. We are finished unless millions are made to see what is happening and what is at stake.
There were no bad loans. The loans were reasonable given the interest rate and the law of averages. Given the economic climate in which they were made the risk was reasonable and was “taken into account” by the interest rates offered. The market failure came about for other reasons.
People failed to make their mortgage payments all at the same time because purchasing power had been drained from the domestic economy by the Fed in its “inflation fighting policy.” Even now the Federal Reserve has the power to reverse what is happening by merely decreasing the reserve requirement that it sets for commercial lending institutions. And even now the Fed is holding back on supplying the public with mortgage payment medium on the grounds that “technically, as economists have agreed to reckon it, the US is not in a recession (a recession being defined as consecutive months of declining gross domestic product.) [Note: the Kelptocracy is above all else a transfer of wealth (houses, equity shares, debt obligations which are bond wealth for the rich etc.) from the hands of the masses to the hands of the ruling minority, not a decrease in outcome. In this economy for every decrease in income to the middle class and poor there is a dollar increase in income to the rich, for every liability-side increase in debt to the poor there is the asset-side increase of just that amount to the rich. The population can be reduced to total beggary and the economy still not register a recession. End of note.] So, instead of providing mortgage payment and food payment and fuel payment media to the people by simply decreasing the reserve requirement to give more loanable deposits to banks “for nothing” as the Fed was chartered to do, the Fed has taken a much different course. It has kept the money supply tight to benefit lenders and IOU holders at the expense of everyone else.
The Fed has kept the reserve requirement constant throughout the Kleptastrophe. Adjusting the reserve requirement was the lever for expanding the money supply that the Federal Reserve banks were supposed to use when their was a shortage of purchasing power in any of the 12 Fed Reserve districts. The tool was to put money in the hands of small businesses and new businesses, and homebuilders and farms etc. whenever purchasing power got too tight and there were too many foreclosures. But that is not what the Wall Street financiers wanted 100 years ago when they decided to foist a central bank on the US — but it is what they wanted Congress and the American people to think it would be.
Rather than create new loanable funds by simply reducing the reserves a bank was required to keep against its loans outstanding, the Financiers made a different arrangement for expanding and contracting the money supply. All expansion and contraction would be conducted by big investment banks either by buying securities from the Fed (which shrunk money investment bankers had to invest in big corporations or loan to cities, states and the Federal Government) or by selling securities to the Fed (which gave the investment bankers more money to invest in corporations in investments at in the US or elsewhere.) This is what Timothy F. Geithner does at the Federal Reserve Bank of New York — telling the Fed Board of Governors (including Bernanke) what he and the Wall Street financiers have done only after the fact. (And yes, probably Geithner is an order taker most of the time — except in matters touching the Kleptastrophe where he has the key role as director and member of the orchestration team. Needless to say when loanable funds are handed to investment bankers in exchange for the securities they hold, the money they get for lending (which must give a return higher than the securities were offering) does not end up as new purchasing power (new debt-paying power) in the hands of the average American householder.
So the Fed, rather than putting the purchasing and debt-paying power in the domestic economy loop where it would reach householders with mortgages they limited their purchasing power creation to their own elite circle attached to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, the only Federal Reserve bank in the country which conducts these open-market purchases and sales.
New York Federal Reserve Bank and its President, Timothy Geithner
Chinese-speaking Timothy Geithner is President of the New York Federal Reserve Bank and Vice Chairman of the Federal Open Market Committee which really controls the amount of loanable funds in the economy. Fed Chairman Bernanke is a powerless figurehead and misinformation mouthpiece, a cardboard figure who merely announces what the new discount rate (the rate at which the Fed will lend money to banks “discounted” with treasury securities held as collateral so banks will not dip below required reserves when they are lending close to the the limit allowed by their excess reserves.) Don’t think for a minute that the Fed Chairman or the Board of Governors is the power behind the Fed — he is merely the “front man,” the only leader of the system that is “appointed” by the President — that being the only basis on which it can it all be said that the Fed is in any way an instrument of the US government or responsible to its people. Both the Chairman and the US President who appoints him are mere tokens following orders.
The real power is Timothy Geithner and the men behind him — Kissinger, Greenspan, Voker, Reuben, Thain and Corrigan as will be shown below.
The power is with the New York Federal Reserve bank and the President of that bank serves only the finacial intersts of the international investment bankers. (Don’t be fooled by the redefinition of banking — the investment banks are now “commercial banks” only in the sense that by becoming so they escape all of the until now still-remaining regulations that hampered their actions.
What we have seen is nothing less that the climactic phase of the takeover of the US banking system by the international investment banking interests — “the Rothschilds and Rockefellers” as the ordinary citizen often refer to these interests consisting of many super rich families/clans around the world.
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, except for Geithner are powerless. Geithner only enjoys power in the sense of a worker who drives a big powerful truck, but only where he is told — except that Geithner is trusted to map out the plan.
Geithner, it also should be noted is a former Director of Policy Development at the International Monetary Fund and Senior Fellow at the Council of Foreign Relations. He is close to all of the heads of the European central banks.
But who is behind Geithner?
The Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve (shown below), ALL POWERLESS, EXCEPT for Geithner. The Chairman is merely a salesman for the policies set at the New York Federal Reserve Bank and the bankers with whom he interacts.
Which of these Fed Governors is not a powerless window-dressing rubber stamp?
One with real power, but all are yes-men to the Money Interests and acting in a charade harmful to the public interest.
The impresarios of the 2008 Kleptastrophe is not Paulson or Bernanke, but Timothy Geithner working with John Alexander Thain and Gerald Corrigan among others, mostly former Goldman Sachs financiers — chief architects for carrying out the Kleptastrophe policies of the Money Power. They planned the drought of purchasing power that brought about the foreclosures which destroyed the credit markets in order that the bankers could acquire all of that American housing (prime rental properties) for themselves and their friends in China who they have made rich by investing over there all of those loanable funds the Fed created.
They got hold of the properties, but off course they could not resell them in the US since they had deliberately eliminated all of that American purchasing power — and so they provided themselves with the $700 billion bailout where the government buys the houses they got for themselves. The taxpayer, even though he just had his house foreclosed, now has to buy the house anyway at a price far above present market value and do so at gunpoint — not right now of course — he hasn’t got the money, remember — but over the years and at compound interest, because the bailout of the domestic banks is funds borrowed from the international bankers at compound interest.
Of course buying Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae — buying the mortgages and lowering the fees on loans — is also a hidden bail, rather than an “investment” as the idea was sold to the public — again with funds borrowed from the international bankers. The Fed borrows to bail, but then this causes the price of treasury securities to drop, since the government is flooding the market with increased supply of its new IOUs — which of makes the price of securitized mortgages to drop — which has been the source of purchasing power for new home loans.
But of course that is only the beginning. After getting the $700 billion of taxpayers money to buy the houses they have taken from the householders after strangling domestic purchasing power — the next step is to rob all the banks in the country not owned by the Money Power. This is accomplished simply — having hit-man Paulson round up the big bankers — remember West Coast banks like Wells Fargo and Bank of America have always been somewhat independent of the Rockefeller-Rothschild-Morgan dominated Eastern Banks. Now they are finally being brought into line.
The two western banks, Wells Fargo and Bank of America, after seeing what was done to their fellow Washington Mutual, were not in serious difficulty, Kenneth Lewis of Bank of America, seen by investors as strong throughout the crisis, was able to raise $10 billion and Wells Fargo CEO Richard Koacevich felt that with its less vulnerable loans it was not needing the “Corrigan Plan” that Paulson was pushing on them. Of course if they had an ethical bone in the bodies or any consideration for their shareholders they would have rejected scheme even under the wrack. The government was forcing the nations big banks to let the government buy in with astounding now borrowings for future taxpayers to pay, three or four times the size of the $700 foreclosure buy-up bailout! This of course would be dilution of the stock of banks existing shareholders, essentially theft from everyone who owns stock in those banks — real bank robbery — and who gets this stock? That Paulson did not say, but the answer is obvious. The government has cut itself in on all of this diluted stock, and this stock, while the government in holding it pays a dividend of 5 percent. But that 5 percent dividend only lasts for five years before automatically being raised, regardless of the economic environment at the time, to 9 percent. In the meantime, the government will “privatize” the holdings of the shares of these banks that it has created — selling them off to those who can afford them in this domestic-purchasing-power constrained environment — who but the Money Power themselves flush with all of this taxpayer largess? So the end result will be — when you disregard all of “paper” assets and see where ownership of the banks went — that the Money Power now owns more of these banks and the American household with bank stock will find that his share has been diluted and that he gets no dividends because the government’s no-soon-to-be privatized shares that pay dividends of 9 percent will be getting all of the profits leaving none to go to the people with ordinary preferred stock.
The Kleptastrophe thus plunders the American economy in a number of ways that are totally devistating — as damaging as unlimited war.
And it is war. No one but a foreign enemy and agents of that foreign enemy holding no loyalty or sympathy for the American people could be merciless enough to inflict such ruin and misery.
You and I and the people around us have to come together intelligently in our understanding of this attack and how our very lives depend on acting as a unified citizenry — the only way we have any power at all — and stopping this financial sabotage meant to destroy and enslave us to the Money Power that has been behind all of the wars and depressions this country has faced over the last 150 years.
The head of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, Timothy Geithner, who “realized” Corrigan-Thain-Reuben-Kissinger et al. Kleptastrophe plan is the son of a father who worked for the U.S. Agency for International Development dealing with the “opening of China.” Timothy was thus raised and educated in India with frequent visits to China. Graduating from the International School in Bangcock the future Fed banker came to Dartmouth and to John Hopkins where he majored in East Asian studies (which includes China, not India, please note) and International Economics — not Money and Banking! (Remember, Gaithner came to the New York Federal Reserve Bank without extensive knowledge of our banking system — hit men and infiltrators do not have to be experts in the field they have infiltrated, they just have to know where the money is hidden and how to get their hands on it — they have to know “explosives,” not “bridge building.”
From Dartmouth young Geithner went to work for Henry Kissinger — working with directly under Kissinger himself. (Recall that Kissinger is the man who opened up China — visiting China with David Rockefeller the week after Nixon’s famous visit, where Rockefeller, Kissinger and Zhou Enlai planned the de- industrialization and destruction of the United States and its system of popular representative government which Rockefeller, Kissinger and Zhou detested — Zhou, by the way, had family links with London bankers that go back to his ancestors who were the Emperoror’s agents dealing with the opium traders of Hong Kong etc. Kissinger and Rockefeller are American agents of that international Banking Power.
Rockefeller has run the US for the Money Power interests through his creation the Council on Foreign Relations. Geithner is a member of the Council on Foreign relations and one of his Kleptastrophe team headed the CFR for several years. (More below.)
From his mysterious “research” work directly for Kissinger — at a time when Kissinger was making his money selling corporations his influence and connections with top Chinese bureaucrats for the great transfer of industrial wealth from the US economy to the Chinese princelings and those international corporations with Kissinger-brokered access to China’s labor and resources — Geithner then moved on to work for the U.S. Treasury Secretary for International Affairs, Lawrence Summers.
It should be remembered — along with other facts I will remind you of as we go through this — that Lawrence Summers was being investigated for illegal gold transactions, along with Greenspan and others, in September of 2001 — specifically, for selling Federal Reserve Gold to Wall Street financiers (friends) at prices below the price that could be gotten on the market at that time.
As things happen, however, all of the investigators into that crime and the evidence that had been gathered perished in the collapse of the North Tower of the World Trade Center on the 11th of that month. Prior to 9-11 Kissinger happened to be on the Defense Policy Board at the Pentagon, with Paul Wolfowitz (who would head the IMF), Douglas Feith and Richard Perle at that time — planning wars with Iraq and Afghansitan before 9-11 happened !!! And of course Henry Kissinger was George W. Bush’s first choice to head the 9-11 Commission — which he backed out of when conspiracy theorists on the internet began making too man connections.
At any rate, Geithner became Summers “special assistant” — pretty good for someone who had been trained out of the country and had been working confidentially and with low profile for Kissinger before landing this job. Then Geithner became Assistant Secretary where he figured in the response and aftermath of the emerging- markets implosion of the 1990’s, negotiating, among other things, “bailouts” for assistance packages for Brazil, South Korea, Thailand as well as the financial services agreement with Japan after that countries financial collapse — when China’s American financed “industrialization” really took off. In 1997 Geithner served as a negotiator for the United States in the 1997 World Trade Organization financial services agreement. Note that it was the Clinton Administration that gave him this job — Clinton being the President who spent an entire month in China with no good reason in 1998 — planning what? (Note that Paulson has spent a lot of time in China just prior to the unfolding of events — he was there during the early Congressional inquiries, preventing him from testifying, even though none of those questioned were put under oath.) Back in 1999 Geithner became Undersecretary for International Affairs as Summers went on to run Harvard University. Over all of this period Geithner was doing work involving China at a time when America’s economy was being mercilessly sabotaged — for so it is obvious to me — in commercial real estate markets, to the WorldCom, Enron, and the collapse of American “dot-com” and other high-tech industries. This could be written off as coincidence until it is discovered and confimed that the entire Kleptastrophe was an act of war involving the teamwork of international financiers and the China princelings whose influence Henry Kissinger and only a few others gatekeeps.
The Zionist International Bankers and the leadership of Red China share core values and objectives.
I should add that the great people of China are being enslaved by the same international crime syndicate that is enslaving the US. As the unorganized decent majority against the organized criminal minority the Chinese workers and peasants and others share with the American people some common perspectives too.
Americans cannot simply “vote out corruption” — only the massive demonstration of whole populations around the world can bring down the Money Power and its hold over the corrupt dictatorships where bankers dictate to “elected” political figureheads what your laws and your debts and your food ration will be.)
In 2001 Geithner was employed by the International Monetary Fund. In 2003 Paul Volker was one of those who recommended Geithner for the position of chairman of the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the position from which he now conducts the execution of the Kelptastrophe now in full swing. [Paul Voker, you may recall, was the Fed Chairman who played out the last act of the S & L scandal, by tightening the money supply after Fed Chairman Miller had overseen the hyperinflation that forced the S & Ls to invest in junkbonds and forced the banking deregulation that made that possible — Volker then tightening the money supply to make debt more valuable now that the Money Power now held all of the IOUs and collapse commercial real estate market at the same time ending in a sweet deal for Wall Street engineered by William Seidman, a deal no one was in a position to refuse, just like today.
Alan Greenspan, who — as I mentioned above, was also being investigated for illegal gold trading by the Fed when he was saved by 9-11 — also backed Geithner for this position. Former Treasury Secretary and Goldman Sachs alumni Robert Rubin; Alan Greenspan; and Lawrence Summers all supported Geithner for the job. When you work for the Money Power you are above Dem-Republican partisan politics — something like the relationship between Lieberman and McCain one imagines.
Three of Geithners continuing confidants.
Almost immediately after Geithner took control of the New York Fed the team for the Kleptastrophe came together — no time is wasted in the world of the money power, when the safe crackers arrives the crime must be executed as quickly as possible. In covert asymetrical warfare surprise is everything. The main coaches behind the plays are
The plan had been in effect for a long time and grand work had been done to set things up for maximum effect. The American people had been assaulted every night, in previous years, with phone calls offering instant cash and refinancing of existing debt if only they would increase the mortgage on their homes. How many people in India were employed in making these offers for the banks making these investments. Why did these lenders think that they could make these loans without fear of the consequences? Were they irrational and taking place of a group mania for mortgage lending heedless of the risk? Definitely not. Economic agents, especially the most experienced, the best informed, the ones hiring the best minds, are not reckless and they do not get irrational manias.
They knew that for them the risk of the loans they were making would in some way “be taken care of” so that they need not screen their risks. The people making the offers and transacting the loans didn’t know the plan, but those behind it all did. Those securitizing all of the mortgages and selling them internationally to the the foreign holders of all of that cash accumulated from the year-after-year-after-year US imbalance of trade — knew that those international investments would somehow be made good — knew that the titles to all of that real property gained in foreclosure after the calculated restriction of American purchasing power would be eventually bought back by the “bailout measures” stemming from the Kleptastrophe. While it is true that sub-prime morgage lending increased from 9 percent in 2001 to over 20 percent in 2006 it must be remembered that the credit worthiness of the typical American household was declining and high-pressure sales were increasing the number of 2nd mortgage households in people who otherwise would not take the initiative to seek second mortgages. Of course the tightening of the M1 money supply by the Fed resulted in increasing debt for households, and with no means of earning more money to meet those obligations there was greater pressure on Americans to refinance to cover that debt. (I did this, and I don’t feel it was a character weakness of mine to have done so. It was the only way to keep the house and maintain my current standard of living while hoping for a better income later to catch up to where I was etc. I don’t think I was alone in this. )
The point is not that the rules were relaxed, but rather that more people at the low end were pushed through the mill under the old regulations. The blame must go to the few people controlling monetary policy and the macro- economic conditions — not all of the big and little lending institutions in the country all suddenly getting crazy at the same time. Only those bankers who were in on the Kleptastrophe from the beginning were those giving the orders to make irresponsible loans — and this group was definitely a minority of the national banking community. The predatory loans were the loans made to credit risks heedless of the risk because the lender was counting on the Kleptastrophe to absorb all of the loss regardless of risk. Middle- class families did not fail to “think ahead” and accumulate too much debt to meet their obligations, rather they made the most rational decisions given their incomes and prevailing prices, only to have their budgets broken by price manipulations (oil, food etc.) by the International Money Power that was working toward the Kleptastrophe.
Normally there is no problem with high-risk loans — people are assigned credit ratings and the law of large numbers guarantees that a certain number of these will fail to make their payments and a certain number will come through OK — and so a “risk premium” is added to the interest rate to compensate and everyone is happy.
Nothing went wrong with that system. What happened was that the system was sabotaged from the outside by the Fed and the policy and practices of the investment banks that buy and sell on the loanable funds market — which Geithner and the New York Federal Reserve Bank Open Market Committee were influencing. Monetary policy and manipulation forced the mortgage crisis at the macro-economic level. The people who were foreclosed were not more lazy than at other times and the loans were not extended heedless of the risk — generally Building and Loan companies and banks made sound loans — but they were not ready for the tighting of purchasing power by the Fed continuing to resist lowering the discount rate so banks could inject purchasing power that would enable people on the paycheck, grocery, rent, mortgage, food loop to make ends meet.
And of course at the same time, to further increase the foreclosures there was the monopoly restriction of gasoline supply — monopoly pricing of gasoline to destroy the household budgets of mortgage holders — ensuring that foreclosures would come thick and fast to force the Kleptastrophe crisis to maximum effect. If it weren’t like I say then all that would have collapsed would have been the sub-prime sector of the economy, rather than a catastrophe that reached to grab wealth and dry up credit in all financial markets, destroying the credit ratings of states, municipalities, and government agencies. Mortgaging our houses became the only non- shrinking source of purchasing power left in the economy. People understood, or should have understood, that the increased mortgage loans were keeping the economy out of a coma. But even as this new purchasing power from mortgage loans came in, the Federal Reserve was maintaining money supply tightening so that paying those loans and the interest on them would be impossible. The centralized finacial system, overseen by a few corrupt men are behind the Kleptastrophe — they did not suddenly get lax and give loans to obvious deadbeats — rather they beat the American householder with price increases and reduced purchasing power in the domestic economy until we are now almost dead.
Why was Goldman Sachs able to “dodge the bullet” in the securitized mortgage collapse? Why was it able to show a 79 percent increase in profits? What did Goldman know that others did not know and how? How is it that Goldman Sachs has been spared of all merger trauma? Even though now a publicly traded firm it is run like a partnership and although it weeds its staff ruthlessly it has never had hostile defections from its top ranks. They encourage their top people to leave early after great success.
When Geithner got to the New York Fed Bank he immediately began close working association with the world leading expert in what we might as well call Applied Financial Kleptastrophe Science, Dr. Gerald Corrigan.
Dr. Gerald Corrigan, the worlds leading expert on “systematic financial shocks”
Closely working with Geithner is a man with singular credentials. Corrigan is Goldman Sachs Managing Director, Co-Chair of the Goldman’s Risk, Global Compliance and Controls Committee committees. He himself was President of the Federal Reserve Bank of NY from 1985 to 1993. From 1993 to 1995 he headed the Council on Foreign Relations. He is a member of the Trilateral Commission. He is Co-Chairman of the ASPN Institute Program on the World Economy. He on the Board of the Chicago Merchantile Exchange. He is a member of the Institute for Financial Stability studying the conditions under which financial catastrophes obtain, the conditions responsible for instability. From 1991 to 1993 he was Chairman of the Basle Committee on Banking Supervision with other governors of the central banks of the “Group of Ten” countries. He joined the Fed in 1968 and spent 25 years there.
When he left the Fed to join Goldman he began there as Chairman of International Advisers and Senior Adviser to the Executive Committee. And not to be overlooked are Corrigan’s membership in the “Group of 30,” his role as Chairman of the Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group and its conclusions summarized in the paper with the misleadingly reassuring name, “Toward Greater Financial Stability,” also known as “the Corrigan Report;” and his role as Chairman of Basle committee and the Basle accords mandating restructuring of the US financial system more to the liking of the international investment bankers and the central bankers they control. [Note: The term counterparty can refers to any brokers, investment banks, and other securities dealers contracting in over the counter securities or derivatives transactions. ]
The Group of 30 was created by the Rockefeller Foundation and is today chaired by Paul Volker. The “30” are the heads of the biggest international banks and central banks, other “leading financiers,” and a small group gifted mathematical economists that show them how things are done in the complicated realms of derivatives kleptastrophe. It was this Group which planned and promoted the total deregulation of derivatives markets which was very quietly passed by Congress while public and media were totally preoccupied by the “hanging-chad” controversy which, the the nation’s shock and horror, was preventing the orderly election of a President in the month following the 2000 election. Of course the election “hang-up” was pre-planned as distraction cover for this crime. The Group of 30 examine with presumptuous authority the question of who benefits from any decision made in the public or private sector relating to foreign exchange, currency markets, international capital markets, international financial institutions, central banks or the macroeconomics of any country. The Group commands and special study groups are created with experts in regulation to focus on modifications of national regulatory systems. They determine what regulatory system a country like the United States should have and then they take measures to bring about that system. In 2007 the Group of 30 created the “Financial Regulatory Systems Working Group” aimed at institutional reorganization, in effect picking the kind of regulatory environment international finance wants for itself and its competitors. Their assignment: to devise revisions of the financial regulatory systems of the U.S, Britain, China, Germany, Hong Kong, Singapore, Kuwait and Qatar among others. Of course the question of how the international financiers would get the United States Congress to make these modifications on the basis of these special interests and not any of the interests within the domestic economy is not unlike Paul Wolfowitz’s question of how to get a nation to invade Iraq after the Cold War is over and people are looking forward to peace and prosperity in a peaceful world.
Wolfowitz had his “direction for the next century,” a direction of pre-emption and unilateralism, and as as Professor of International Relations and Dean of the Paul H. Nitze School of Advanced International Studies (SAIS) at Johns Hopkins University Wolfowitz led the study called the Project for the New American Century spelling out the necessity of the US taking down the enemies of Israel begining with Iraq. But Wolfowitz knew that a catastrophe, a “new Pearl Harbor” would be necessary to motivate Congress and the public to not resist a President taking up those policies. The Group of 30 had their New Economic World Order in mind too. Did I mention that Geithner too as well as Corrigan is a member of the Group of 30.
The Corrigan Report of July 2005 written when he chaired the Counter Party Risk Management Policy Group, described efforts to identify the the variables producing “systematic financial shocks,” the kind of shock “inflicting serious damage on the finacial system and the real economy” and to find ways of “managing” the damage caused in such shocks — the kind of shock, according to Corrigan, “that cannot be sorted out in the market place.” It was a study of determining “our capacity” in an environment of “complexity and tight linkages” to anticipate specific triggers” of systematic financial shocks and of analyzing and calibrating whatever “shock absorbers” are available. The report called for leaders of major regulatory agencies to strengthen “institutional, behavioral, and risk management arrangements” affecting “private pools of capital and virtually all other classes of market participants” — “in a context in which speed and complexity of activities to … cannot be managed or supervised by reliance on detailed rule books” and where one must avoid “the counter productive information overload problem associated with public disclosure.”
“If there was such a shock, what would be the damage,” asked Corrigan. What would be the counterparty risk? What would be the effect of credit derivatives in systematic financial shocks? What settlement mechanisms would and could be brought into play?
Certainly unregulated credit derivatives transactions, with their flexibility, function as “short sells” and “margin calls” if so desired. Corrigan’s investigations must have included those possibilities even though the conclusions were worded in terms of “risk mitigation” and “governance of hedge funds” etc. The simple conclusion was that whatever happened would be over the head of most of the participants, that with the right real-time data processing and the right models to predict and to project the outcomes of interventions it would be possible to steer a kleptastrophe with all of the world wondering if it was an act of the invisible hand of the impersonal and incomprehensible market mechanism. The reason the great mathematicians are so much valued by the Money Elite is that they can create these heists that all but a close group of cooperating insiders and some bought-off academics among the multitudes of the human race could never begin to figure out. It’s like the question of whether a particular hurricane or drought was the result of “nature,” or “global warming,” or clandestine weaponized weather modification in the hands of people heavily invested in commodities futures contracts and derivatives bets on future food prices. Corrigan correctly reported that the low probability event of a systematic financial shock occuring naturally was very small, his report did not even mention the possibility that men exist who are in a position to initiate such shocks and to do so when they have pre-arranged for themselves the most advantageous circumstances for such a shock to take place. Corrigan gives not even a hint that a shock originating in this way is a possibility. What what is more obvious than the existence of this moral hazard, this opportunity for successful gain from kleptastrophe without being detected or penalized?
But now we do know that Corrigan did see the possibilities of gain from kleptastrophe, that he and Geithner and the interests they serve were in fact uncaring enough of the fate of the victims to go ahead and commit crime. Certainly they were right in thinking that even if stray individuals on the internet detected saw through the smoke screen of rhetoric concealing the kleptastrophe, that no one would be in a position to bring them to justice.
Corrigan then was working on 1) the effects and prediction of catastrophic economic shocks — that actually affect major transfers of assets; 2) direction of risk position; and “global compliance and controls” to bankers competition agreements including the Basal Accords.
Wiki says of Corrigan: And since 1999, Dr. Corrigan has served as Chairman of the Counterparty Risk Management Policy Group (CRMPG). [5] The CRMPG is a financial industry policy group designed to promote enhanced strong practices in counterparty credit risk and market risk management. In this capacity Dr. Corrigan testified before the Committee on Financial Services of the U.S. House of Representatives concerning hedge funds and systematic risk in the financial markets on March 13, 2007. In concluding his testimony, Dr. Corrigan foreshadowed the pending financial crisis of 2007­ 2008 by stating “[o]ne of the most difficult challenges in human endeavor is how we manage low probability events ­ such as financial shocks ­ that can cause so much damage. … “
So was Corrigan suddenly caught up in the very catastrophe he was spending years evaluating from every angle only to be taken completely unawares? Of course not. His breed, the elite who work for Zionist internationalists are not caught unawares. When events happen around men from Goldman Sachs they are not chance happenings, not the “low proability” cast of the dice that Corrigan, Thain, Geithner, Paulson and the others would have you believe. This was an act of war, an act of plunder by international pirates disguised as America’s guardians of the economy.
Let’s look at some more.
Former Goldman Sachs John Alexander Thain is now President of Wealth Management, Global Securities and Global Banking at Bank of America. Before that he was the last chairman of Merrill Lynch before that company was sold to Bank of America for $50 billion.
Not surprisingly Thain was brought to Merrill Lynch at the time of its crisis because he was considered a top expert on mortgage backed securities. Thain, by the way, has been the CEO of the New York Stock Exchange, its president and chief operating officer and chief financial officer as well as President of Goldman Sachs, its Chief Operating officer and Chief Financial Officer.
John Thain
The Kleptastrophe brings commercial banks under the regulation that “international banks” arrenged for themselves in the Basal accords
— The Basel Accords determine how much reserves (“regulatory capital”) a bank must hold — in other words this international constrains how much credit banks are allowed to extend to citizens. The international bankers now determine the monetary policy that determines American purchasing power, the money supply (which comes into being when banks lend money) and credit in the United States.
The Kleptastrophe has forced the restructuring of the Banking system to the specification set by Corrigan and the others behind the Basle architecture. The equity cushion the Accords require are but a pillow pushed over the face of the American economy — the air we get being controlled by the bankers.
These rules mean that the greater return which is a function of greater risk to which the bank is exposed, the greater the amount of capital the bank is forced to hold idle — which of course means that other banks must cut in others on these big ventures. The rules force them to reduce their return on capital by having to hold more reserves idle for each dollar invested in certain kinds of investments — this puts breaks on investing and developing around the world — a case of monopoly price fixing in the loanable funds market through constraining of the quantity that banks can lend — raising the interest rate (which is the price of their product, i.e, loanable funds) and restricting the quantity of that which is sold at the expense of everyone else except the bankers who made these rules for themselves.
Before setting the Kleptastrophe in motion Geithner sent examiners to the major investment banks to calculate to the penny exactly what manipulations would be necessary to effect exactly the transfers of wealth, the consolidation, and the new monopoly control he was assigned to bring about — even though the Fed is not supposed to have regulatory power over the investment banks. Emergency powers left over from the Great Depression (Bernard Baruch’s architecture) were invoked. The examiner he chose (without a competitive bid process) was asset-management company BlackRock, Inc. whose board of directors includes Thain.
Ralph L. Schlosstein
BlackRock, a firm managing nearly $1.2 trillion in assets, was founded by Ralph L. Schlosstein former Managing Director of Lehman Brothers Inc. where he headed the Mortgage and Savings Institutions Group Member of the Visiting Board of Overseers at the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, a member of Financial Institutions Center Board of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, and until recently a member of Advisory Council of Fannie Mae. And once he was Deputy to the Assistant Secretary of the Treasury Department. He stepped down as President of BlackRock a year ago.
Larry Fink
The President of BlackRock now is co-founder Larry Fink. Fink as who managing director at First Boston years ago pioneered the mortgage-backed securities market in the United States. September 29, 2006, BlackRock completed its merger with Merrill Lynch Investment Managers. global capital markets, portfolio management Managing portfolios in global capital markets including mutual funds, closed-end funds, managed accounts, and alternative investments that include credit derivatives BlackRock was in a perfect morally hazzarded position to profit from a foreknown kleptastrophe. Such foreknowledge would make successful management of the $1.2 trillion assets they managed very very easy. How responsible is it to have such an interested “auditor” be given regulatory power to look at the books of the institutions with which it itself does business? The mice designs the mousetrap, the burglars the alarm system.
The banks BlackRock audited for Geithner today no longer exist. The assets they held are now in other hands.
John Pickel
Robert Pickel is the President of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association, Inc. for privately negotiated derivatives and governments and businesses that rely on over-the-counter derivatives to hedge market risk or speculate. This is the global trade association for OTC derivatives. The essential idea is: “We regulate ourselves.” The ISDA pioneered efforts to predict and control the risk events derivatives bet on, “advancing the understanding and treatment of derivatives and risk management” including through other things “credit derivatives” — big bets on what will happen to credit in the future. Fore knowledge of the kleptastrophe would be of course an opportunity for unspeakable gain in the credit derivatives market — and gain that would not have to be reported because privately negotiated derivatives not regulated. “It’s difficult to get everybody pull together to achieve the right result.” But if big enough events are triggered by the efforts of just a few key players — with Geithner, Corrigan, Thain and a few others calling the shots — then the profitable-for-some distaster can be controlled to yeild just the right new economic landscape the conspirators have been seeking.
On October 6, Pickel announced the successful implementation of its Protocol for credit derivative transactions involving Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac a month after they were placed in conservatorship on September 7. It was a plan to settle all bets to make everyone reasonably happy if they would just play along. 651 ISDA members of the voluntary Protocl immediatly announced that they would adhere to these ad hoc rules.
“The Protocol, which closed on October 2, offers institutions the ability to amend their documentation for credit derivatives transactions in order to utilize an auction to determine the final price for settling CDS transactions referencing Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac.”
“ISDA is committed to working with public policymakers and market practitioners to further encourage the prudent and efficient development of the privately negotiated derivatives business in China.” —
Here are some more relevant items that must be mentioned.
Paulson was conveniently spending a lot of time in China in April 2008. He has made over 70 trips to China in his career and as Secretary of the Treasury has attempted to pressure China into opening its real estate to resale (peasants since the revolution have not been allowed to sell of their land), mortgages and securitization and insisting that they create more “investment- worth corporations and fewer public utility and small businesses in their economy. As “an economist of Goldman Sachs” Paulson expressed his outrage to the Chinese that in China only 4 percent of capital comes from the organized capital markets (the investment bankers’ loanable funds) when 2/3 of capital comes from the capital markets. So far the Chinese have been yielding on every point — the distressed peasants in bad times can now sell their land and move to the cities and look for work in the global economy, like we all did. That is his kind of regard for the welfare of the people of a nation.
You find Goldman Sachs alumni in the most unusual places — AIPAC has nothing like the influence of this company. For example, Mario Draghi, the Bank of Italy’s governor and Joshua B. Bolten, the current White House chief of staff are Goldman Sachs.
Goldman Sachs man John Tain came to Merrill Lynch after its loyal CEO’s were sacked and acted as the butcher, serving it up to Bank of America for a mere $50 billion at $10 per share, a stock that had been selling at $171 per share less than two years before. To the end the Merril Lynch management on whose watch all of this transpired insisted that their investment bank was adequately capitalized and the cash flow to make it but that a campaign of rumors of insolvency caused a bank run.
Robert Zoellick
And then there is Robert Zoellick. From 1993 to 1997 Zoellick was Executive Vice President of Fannie Mae, responsible for it’s shift to the “affordable housing business”. He has been Counselor to the Secretary of the Treasury and Deputy Secretary for Financial Institutions Policy. Today he is the Director of the Aspen Institutes Strategy Group on Foreign Policy. He is a member of the Council on Foreign Relations and sits on the Advisory Board of the Johns Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies as well as a member of the Executive Committee of the Trilateral Commission and the Advisory Board of the Center for European Reform in London. As a State Department offical Zoellick led in the NAFTA negotiations, the Urugual Round and the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation Group.
It was Zoellick who arranged for the securitization of third world debt (exactly like the securitization of American household mortgages!) to transfer ownership away from the institutions that made the loans.
We see this group of Goldman Sachs men using their “club membership” — not unlike the Skull and Bones — to insinuate each other into strategic positions and use those positions to create situations profitable to the firm. There is no reason to suspect that these men with their internationalist, Zionist, financial elite backgrounds would have any sympathy for the interests of Americans whose economic lives have been put into their greedy hands. But by owning the media and by being able to put their friends in important high-status positions they are treated — as Lawrence Summers was made President of Harvard University (he was one of those mathematical economists who devised ways of robbing American investors at levels too far above their understanding to be noticed. (Summers incidentally is being accused by Russians of participating in the biggest single heist of material ever assets – “the looting of the fruit of 70 years of labour of Soviet citizens. 3,000 metric tons of gold bullion was trucked out in the night from the Central Bank in Moscow and the pros who ordered it, did not allow the gold market to dip.” I have already mentioned his role the crime involving Federal Reserve gold — and what about that gold removed from beneath the WTC? Why were the money men allowed to violate the crime scene in that way?)
In the cases of Bear Stearns and Merril Lynch it was the mortgage lending banks (through securitization) that were destroyed by the derivatives investing banks. Of course the derivatives investors have the econometric models and the statisticians and mathematicians and the data (unavailable to government because not required by regulation anymore) and the international connections to have designed and effected the control necessary for pulling off the Kleptastrophe.
Bear Stearns was an aggesssive competitor — for example thy invented the securitized mortgage — and in the world of the banking elites real competition is not really acceptable. They were sabotaged by the Kleptastrophists. The Kleptastrophe was a deliberate trap set for Bear Stearns — they did not see coming the rise in gasoline prices and the related and unrelated increase in food and other prices hitting all at once sabotaging their lending position and bringing them down. The securitized mortgages actually helped keep the economy afloat, possibly against the wishes of the Money Power. With billions in sub-prime losses, the biggest write-down in Wall Street history, last year Thain stepped in and presided over the shambles. It was clearly a case of Goldman Sachs alumni at the Fed and at Treasury bringing down an old opponent, like Wolfowitz, Perle and Rumsfeld had their role in bringing down all that 9-11 has brought down. Only after targeted Bear Starns was out of the way, did the Fed begin to show the generosity, opening the discount window “candy store” to the investment banks for the first time, cutting the interest rate and offering short term loans — measures that might have prevented the fall of Bear Stearns, in many ways catalyst event for the main event in the Kleptastrophe. The Goldman Sachs crew that was running the Financial system of the United States, ostensibly for the benefit of the American people, engineered the crisis — to profit themselves, but before they would let the government shower the (international) investment banks with the people’s credit which Treasury and the Fed commands, which the architects of our financial system never dreamed would be used to benefit investment banks — they first had to get rid of their hated competitor.
Now the investment bankers, their banks now enjoying all of the tax- payer provided backing that had been intended only for our commercial banking system — they have attained their goals — capture of everyone’s home equity, displacement, through watering of stock, of American’s investments in commercial banks, with the taxpayer actually buying the stock for them, and with a new system where the taxpayer now bails out the investment bankers who have been doing all of their investing in China and not the US for the last 20 years and rigging everything against the domestic economy.
And now you have a pretty good idea of what is really happening and who is behind the Kleptastrophe, and the fact that individuals really were behind it. The story is very poorly told — my apologies — I hope you will retell it more intelligently now that you have the picture.
Dick Eastman
Yakima, Washington
How many people does your town square hold?

Source: http://rense.com/general83/expose.htm

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