One thought on “APF Changes Name, Logo & Website To “Diffuse Tension”

  1. Can anyone see that what is beginning to rear it’s ugly head, is the blatant fact that the country has been sold. Infrastructures have been sold, roads, power, food, how can a private company run a prison, that has never computed very well with anyone not living in America. The principle itself is ludicrous. The price to pay will be the whole country being turned into smaller corporate run entities with their own laws. As it is, there are no more rules that apply in the US, it’s the last shootout of the Western season for the guys with the big guns. I mean look at what they do to your kids for standing in front of a university, very soon there wont be universities for anyone but the rich, that’s obvious.

    The day that americans let private wacko companies fight their wars, is the day that they subscribed for those same companies to turn on them! And this is just a start, just the tip of the tsunami…

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