“Ravenwood” Comes To America

Fans of the CBS-terminated TV series JERICHO will recognize the name “Ravenwood.” This was the ruthless mercenary force used by the illegitimate federal government at Cheyenne to subjugate the citizens of Kansas in the aftermath of a massive nuclear attack against two dozen American cities. Continue reading

APF Spokeswoman Breaks Down During Press Conference

A sobbing spokeswoman for the secretive company occupying the Hardin jail welcomed an investigation by Montana’s attorney general Friday and expressed concerns for her own safety amid rumors about her company. Continue reading

APF: License? We Don’t Need No Stinking License!

American Police Force is a scam of epic proportions
When the scene started to unfold in Hardin, Montana, my first reaction could best be described as an overwhelming feeling of despair. The thought that our worst fears were coming true so soon literally sent chills down my spine. Talk of foreign troops on American soil and secret, empty detention centers appeared to be taking shape before our very eyes. Scary stuff indeed. Continue reading

Investigation Could Sink American Police Force

The plans of American Police Force to boss the $27 million dollar detention center in Hardin Montana as well as expand their presence across the country while training foreign troops inside the U.S. could be mothballed after Montana’s Attorney General launched an investigation and demanded the organization turn over all its records. Continue reading

APF Leader Exposed As Career Criminal As Hardin Patrols Labeled Unconstitutional

Founder of private paramilitary force patrolling Montana town exposed as a lifetime crook Continue reading

Montana Town Occupied By Private Paramilitary Security Force

A private security force whose biggest role is helping the U.S. government to “combat terrorism” is now patrolling the streets of a town in Montana, acting as law enforcement but accountable to nobody and operating completely outside the limitations of the U.S. constitution in a chilling throwback to the brownshirts of Nazi Germany. Continue reading

Too Many (Other) People

As a left-leaning Rutgers law professor in the early 1970s, Ruth Bader Ginsburg thought that the Roe v. Wade abortion decision was the product of “concern about population growth and particularly growth in populations we don’t want too many of,” she recalled in a recent New York Times Magazine interview. Continue reading