Flashback: Fluoride in dog food found to cause cancer

(Examiner) – The Environmental Working Group was commissioned to do an independent laboratory test of popular dog foods. The study found each major national brands of all puppy and adult dog food contain high levels of fluoride. The Environmental Protection Agency has found that high levels of fluoride are associated with bone cancer in young boys in a study done by scientists at Harvard University. In all the brands of dog food tested all were found to contain bone meal and animal byproducts. It is believed that these ingredients are the source of fluoride contamination. Read More Here

One thought on “Flashback: Fluoride in dog food found to cause cancer

  1. It was determined since 2004, through testing by various water utilities, whereby it had been discovered, that anywhere from 300, to 316 contaminants or pollutants, were found to exist in the tap water that Americans normally drink.

    This was reported by the Environmental Working Group (EWG) and, based on the drinking water quality analysis, of almost 20 million records, obtained from state water officials.

    After reading the report on EWG’s website, I then went through the actual list of the “pollutants/contaminants” by clicking on the tab labeled “Chemical Contaminants.”

    Much to my surprise, I could not find such chemicals as; Acrylamide or Polyacrylamide. It was neither listed as a pollutant or a contaminant, in this tap water study…how strange?

    The strange thing is: Acrylamide is used to make polyacrylamide materials. Polyacrylamide is used in the treatment of drinking-water, and waste water, where it is used to remove particles and other impurities. It is also used to make glues, paper and cosmetics. Polyacrylamide materials contain very small amounts of acrylamide.

    What is the problem?

    Acrylamide is known to cause cancer in animals. Also, certain doses of acrylamide are toxic to the nervous systems of both animals and, humans.

    Further to this; it appeared to have been neglected for mention; that several states across the contiguous U.S., are artificially fluoridating their drinking water supplies, with toxic industrial chemical pollutants, e.g., Fluorosilicic Acid/Hydrofluorosilicic Acid (HFS/HFSA).

    Read the full story: http://canadiansforhealthfreedom.wordpress.com/2010/03/08/dont-go-near-the-water/

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