World War

(Telegraph) – Obama’s plan to fund £140m Israeli rocket defense

President Barack Obama will ask Congress to provide $205 million (£140 million) to Israel to spur production and deployment of a new short-range rocket defense system.

The “Iron Dome” defense system uses small radar-guided missiles to blow up rockets and mortar bombs in mid-air. Read More Here

(911Blogger) – The Evening of 9/11/01: The U.S. Was Already Bombing Afghanistan

Video from FOX News, evening of 9/11/2001:

“We understand the US government is now bombing Afghanistan…”

Look at the 27:00 minute mark:

Maybe this is common knowledge among the 9/11 Truth community. But it sure is news to me. – Source: 911 Blogger

(PoliticalTheatrics) – Turkish Air Defense System Deployed to “Defend Syria, Iran against Israel Raids”

High-ranking sources in the Israeli Foreign Ministry expressed displeasure with Turkey over deploying anti-aircraft batteries along the Syrian border in the Iskenderun district.

The Turkish daily Hurriyet meanwhile, quoted a military source as saying that “this move aims at repelling a US or Israeli attack against Iran or Syria.” Read More Here

(CampaignIran) – Incoming British FM Won’t Rule Out Attacking Iran

In an interview aimed at cementing his reputation as a “friend of Israel,” incoming British Foreign Secretary William Hague vowed to see British law changed so as to hold Israeli officials immune from war crimes charges, and promised to take a tough line against Iran’s civilian nuclear program, calling it the “most urgent thing” for him to tackle. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – New weapons experimented in Gaza: population risks genetic mutations

Toxic and carcinogenic metals, able to produce genetic mutations, have been found in the tissues of people wounded in Gaza during Israeli military operations of 2006 and 2009. The research has been carried out on wounds provoked by weapons that did not leave fragments in the bodies of the victims, a peculiarity that was pointed out repeatedly by doctors in Gaza. This shows that experimental weapons, whose effects are still to be assessed, were used. Read More Here

Audio: The Ugly Truth On Zionism/9-11 attacks with Dr. Alan Sabrosky

One of the brightest minds on the planet, Dr. Alan Sabrosky, comes on board along with co-host Phil Tourney to discuss Dr. Sabrosky’s most recent article “The Dark Face Of Jewish Nationalism” Audio Link Here

(RupeeNews) – Chinese Naval power to rule the seas

While the United States has the forward-deployed USS George Washington on a short tether, oftentimes Washington has no other carrier in theater, meaning that even two or three Chinese carriers operating in the area likely will exceed the number of US flattops. The Chinese fleet is about 260 vessels, including 75 major warships and more than 60 submarines, and the entire force is complemented by hundreds of fast cruise-missiles shooting offshore patrol vessels and land-based aircraft Read More Here

(PressTV) – Ahmadinejad advises US to leave region

Amid concerns about the continuing presence of US troops in Iraq and Afghanistan, the Iranian president advises the White House to withdraw its troops from the region.

Addressing a large crowd in Iran’s southwestern city of Yasuj on Wednesday, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad said the era of occupation and plundering other nation’s national resources is over. Read More Here

(TheRealNews) – Video: Training That Makes Killing Civilians Acceptable

Josh Stieber: In boot camp we trained with songs that joked about killing women and children

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