Audio: Re Ice Radio – Robert Hieronimus – The United Symbolism of America, All Seeing Eye Origins, Freemasons & The Enlightenment

(RIR) – We discuss all things related to the Reverse of the Great Seal of the United States and focus specifically on the Eye in the Triangle above the Pyramid with author Robert Hieronimus who we first came across while doing research for our third episode of Red Ice TV. We’ve invited Robert to discuss his views in terms of the Symbolism of the United States, the influence of freemasonry in the process of coming up with the Pyramid and Eye design and the placement of it on the American one Dollar bill. Robert is the author of “Founding Fathers, Secret Societies – Freemasons, Illuminati, Rosicrucian’s and the Decoding of the Great Seal” and “The United Symbolism of America – Deciphering the Hidden Meaning in Americas Most Familiar Art, Architecture and Logos”.

In 1969 he founded AUM, the first state approved school of esoteric studies in the USA, which granted certificates in the occult sciences, mystic arts and religious metaphysics. Robert received his Ph.D. from Saybrook Graduate School in 1981 for the doctoral thesis, “An Historic Analysis of the Reverse of the American Great Seal and Its Relationship to the Ideology of Humanistic Psychology”. His research on the Great Seal has been used in the speeches, literature, and libraries of the White House, the State Department, and the Department of Interior.’

Listen here: Re Ice Radio: Robert Hieronimus – The United Symbolism of America, All Seeing Eye Origins, Freemasons & The Enlightenment

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