Governments Stockpile Pandemic Body Bags

As concerns grow of a possible flu pandemic onslaught this autumn, alert authorities worldwide have been stockpiling emergency supplies. Masks, gloves and anti-viral medications are on the list. And body bags. Continue reading

Video: Eliot Spitzer – The Fed is a Ponzi scheme, needs examination

The Federal Reserve has extended $14 trillion and doesn’t want any oversight. Former NY Governor and Attorney General Spitzer says the private bankers are running the Fed to bail themselves out. Continue reading

Video: CNN Correspondent Claims Tea Parties ‘Anti-government,’ ‘Anti-CNN’

CNN is finally covering the tea parties – by attacking the participants. After anchor Anderson Cooper made an obscene sexual joke about attendees, CNN correspondent Susan Roesgen rudely interrupted one of the protestors and slammed the event for being “anti-government,” “anti-CNN,” and “not really family viewing.” Continue reading