MSM: Australia to appoint population minister; develop strategy

(Reuters) – Australia is to create a new government post of minister for population tasked of developing an official population strategy, Prime Minister Kevin Rudd said on Saturday. Continue reading

Social Utility: How Much Are Grandpa and Grandma Worth? – Dr. Russell Blaylock

It is impor­tant to keep in mind that those sup­porting these dra­conian eugenic pro­grams were not dis­grun­tled dreamers cog­i­tating in some New York coffee house, they were men and women of high social rank, intel­lec­tuals, pres­i­dents of major uni­ver­si­ties, pol­i­cy­makers, cor­po­rate heads and even pres­i­dents of the United States. Continue reading

Links: They Want to Inject My Kids With What?

(if any links do not open, copy paste them into your internet browser’s address window and click enter) Continue reading

MSM: Did leak from a laboratory cause swine flu pandemic?

(Independent) – It has swept across the world killing at least 300 people and infecting thousands more. Yet the swine flu pandemic might not have happened had it not been for the accidental release of the same strain of influenza virus from a research laboratory in the late 1970s, according to a new study. Continue reading