Video: How To Cure Autism and The Time Bomb Of Mercury Poisoning

(HealthWyze) – Autism currently effects one in every ninety-one children, and that number is rapidly rising.  The mainstream medical establishment maintains that there is no cure for autism, and even more astounding; no known cause.  The only thing that they do claim to know for sure is that vaccines are not the culprit.  Vaccines have become exempt from all institutional criticism, and they are paraded as a miracle of modern science; even though the Centers For Disease Control found that roughly half of the doctors will not take routine vaccinations, for “safety” and “efficacy” reasons.  Nevertheless, they uniformly preach in unison that vaccines are safe enough for you and your children, however. Continue reading

Links: They Want to Inject My Kids With What?

(if any links do not open, copy paste them into your internet browser’s address window and click enter) Continue reading

Flu Bug

If you sell crack, join a gang, or rob the mob you can expect to die a violent death, but if you listen to your mother, eat all the right foods, and study hard in college to become a microbiologist, you should expect to live to a ripe old age and die peacefully. Continue reading

Study shows “Spiritual” effects of mushrooms last a year

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – The “spiritual” effects of psilocybin from so-called sacred mushrooms last for more than a year and may offer a way to help patients with fatal diseases or addictions, U.S. researchers reported on Tuesday. Continue reading