Video: Alex Jones Talks About Cannibalism in History

A review by Alex Jones. After many listener requests to watch this recent Viggo Mortensen dystopic epic, Alex purchased the DVD of The Road directed by John Hillcoat based on the Cormac McCarthy novel of the same name.

Jones provides in depth analysis on the lessons and archetypes that are presented throughout this movie. He compares this dystopic nightmare world to man ’s history and what is in store for our future if we continue down our current economic and political road. To find what is really happening with our economy and how it is being destroyed by design watch the Obama Deception and Fall of The Republic. Continue reading

Remember the Maine, to Hell with Spain

10 False Flags that Changed the World: #9

9 In 1898, elites within the United States government falsely accused Spain of blowing up the USS Maine in order to stoke the American people into a flag-waving frenzy that resulted in the Spanish-American War.

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