Millions of patients should never be prescribed antidepressants, scientists say

(NaturalNews) – Roughly half the population should never be prescribed antidepressant drugs because they are only likely to become more depressed, according to a new study conducted by researchers from Columbia University and the New York State Psychiatric Institute and published in the journal Neuron.

Scientists have known for some time that antidepressant drugs only work in about half of patients. Research has discovered that although the drugs are designed to raise circulating levels of the neurotransmitter chemical serotonin in the brain, they actually produce the opposite effect in large numbers of people. Continue reading

“It is Not Because Things are Difficult that We Do Not Dare; It Is Because We Do Not Dare that They are Difficult.”

(WashingtonsBlog) – So many people seem to have given up any hope of taking back our power. So I am re-posting two essays I wrote a couple of years ago to help re-light the fire … Continue reading

Pesticides Make Farmers Literally Depressed

(NaturalNews) Pesticides are poison. They are used to kill living creatures. In order to kill those living creatures, humans apply the pesticides. We also eat what`s left of them.

We`ve seen handlers of banana pesticide sterilized, a young couple who worked with pesticides give birth to a limbless child, and a pesticide singled out as a cause of Colony Collapse Disorder.
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