Pesticides Make Farmers Literally Depressed

(NaturalNews) Pesticides are poison. They are used to kill living creatures. In order to kill those living creatures, humans apply the pesticides. We also eat what`s left of them.

We`ve seen handlers of banana pesticide sterilized, a young couple who worked with pesticides give birth to a limbless child, and a pesticide singled out as a cause of Colony Collapse Disorder.

The latest research found among a group of farmers that long term application coincided with a 50% higher chance of clinical depression. And these men were “80% more likely [to have depression] if they had applied a class of insecticide called organophosphates.”

What about for those of us who eat small doses of them everyday? Direct contact to the targeted life-form causes death. Direct contact with humans who administer them causes major reproductive issues, birth defects, and depression. So what happens when you come in contact with a lower amount of pesticides daily by eating them?

Because of the widespread medical conditions that have resulted from high exposure to pesticides, one can only assume they must hurt consumers in varied and unpredictable ways as well. What about those nagging symptoms that won`t go away or a diagnosis that you can`t explain? Could pesticides and chemicals be contributing to or causing your problem? Even law firms are ready to back you up if your doctor won`t. Steigerwalt & Associates know “that as science developed more sophisticated pesticides they did not take in to account the long term affects of these chemicals on the environment and surrounding human populations. Some common side effects of pesticide poisoning include cancer, birth defects, and fertility problems.”

Choosing organic is the best option when it comes to avoiding chemicals in your food; this ensures the food has not been grown with chemical pesticides. The Environmental Working Group tested produce to see just how much was found on the food at the store and compiled a list for consumers to use when buying produce. This list can be used to choose which fruits and vegetables to choose when organic is not available, or which are safest and may not require the organic alternative.

It`s a tough time to live in when the price of a Happy Meal from McDonald`s is about the same price as one organic apple. It can seem like a hard choice to make when choosing between these options. It`s not as hard if you realize that you`re choosing between either saving money now or investing in your family`s health and future (and probably lowering your cost of future medical bills).


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