Video: Dana Loesch – ‘Intellectually Dishonest’ to Equate Anti-Big Government Stance with Racism

(MSNBC) – “But I mean why can’t we talk about the substance of this? Why do we have to constantly invalidate people who are for smaller government by saying that they’re a racist. That is, I mean, I think it’s actually an insult to the civil rights movement. And to say that people who oppose Nancy Pelosi are sexist.” Continue reading

To Alter or Abolish

Note: The following letter was found left behind at a local drinking establishment; the authors’ identity is unknown. It is passed along without comment.

“That whenever any form of government becomes destructive of [life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness], it is the right of the people to alter or abolish it…” ~ Declaration of Independence of the American Colonies, 1776

Dear Federal Government,

Drop dead. Continue reading