Bomb Plot with a Yemeni Connection: A Christmas Gift for US War Plans

Washington’s blame game over the lapse of security that enabled a young Nigerian man to nearly set off explosives as an aircraft prepared to land in Detroit raises suspicions over how and why the incident happened. Continue reading

Call for Support from Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth

New, Easy Entry Level, with a Powerful Thank-You Gift Continue reading

MSM: Mexico’s president given George Orwell’s 1984 by the Queen

The president of Mexico received one of the more unusual gifts given by the Queen during an incoming state visit today – a copy of the classic dystopian novel 1984. Continue reading

From US with love, a ‘reset’ button gone wrong

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s gift to Russia has stirred local media to poke fun at the gaffe in translating the “reset” message. Continue reading