Video: Obama Pushes Banker Takeover Plan at Federal Hall

Obama delivered one of his famous teleprompter speeches today at Federal Hall in New York on the one-year anniversary of the Lehman Brothers scam. It was a cynical move, considering Obama spoke from the building where the country’s founders once argued over how much the government should control the national economy. Continue reading

Get Out of Afghanistan – Campaign for Liberty

Friday will mark eight years since 2,974 people were killed in terrorist attacks on the United States. The best way for President Obama to mark the solemn anniversary would be for him to declare his intention to withdraw all U.S. forces from Afghanistan. Continue reading

“Green” Global Government Agenda Becoming More Evident

Out of the economic and [supposed] environmental catastrophes that we face, global governance is being presented as a solution. Whether or not the global elite did in fact engineer the current economic crisis, which evidence does point toward, it is being used as a catalyst to launch a host of globalist initiatives. Continue reading