Crisis of Solvency or “Double-dip Recession”

(WashingtonsBlog) – In an essay entitled “The risk of a double-dip recession is rising”, Nouriel Roubini affirms two important points: Continue reading

Video: Buffett: We’re Going to Be Crushed Under Mountain of Debt

A highly influential American has finally hit the panic button about the tremendous mountain of debt the country is piling up. Continue reading

Video: Fed Secretly Lends $2 Trillion to Banksters without Oversight

It turns out the bankers are not finished looting the American tax payer. As the American News Project video posted below reveals, the Federal Reserve has doled out around $2 trillion to unknown suspects behind our backs, described as a “staggering, enormous, unprecedented sum of money.” Of course, we have a pretty good idea who the recipients are, never mind all the secrecy — the international bankers, the same people who took more than $8.5 trillion under threat last year from your children and grand-children. Continue reading