Obama Mind Control Offensive Straight Out of UNESCO Eugenics Playbook

Get ready, TV viewers, for the mass media onslaught prepared for you by the social engineers. Continue reading

Israel’s Message to Iran

On January 17, Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert announced a unilateral ceasefire, where Israel will stop its attacks but continue its military presence. “We have met and even surpassed our goals,” declared Olmert, as he thanked the Israeli public for their continued support of the 22-day onslaught in Gaza.

To those paying even minimal attention to the developments of this war, this is a perplexing statement. Continue reading

World must say “No” to Jewish Nazism before it is too late

The genocidal Israeli onslaught against the Palestinian people in the Gaza Strip is strikingly similar to the German blitz in the initial stage of the Second World War. The pretexts are nearly the same and the behaviors of both Nazi and Israeli political and military leadership are nearly identical.

And as the German Nazis sought to justify their blitz against their neighbors to the east, using a plethora of carefully concocted lies and pretexts, Israel is doing virtually the same thing. Continue reading