Capitalizing Security: “Non-Lethal” Weapons and the Market

When the U.S. military planned to deploy Raytheon’s Active Denial System (ADS) in Iraq, it set off a political firestorm. How couldn’t it? Continue reading

MSM: Police battle rioters in Berlin

(Reuters) – Riot police battled 700 stone-throwing left-wing militants in Berlin for more than five hours in May Day clashes that stretched into the early pre-dawn hours on Saturday. Continue reading

MSM: Anti-government rioting erupts in Bangkok

Thailand’s ousted prime minister called for a revolution Sunday after rioting erupted in the capital, with protesters commandeering public buses and swarming triumphantly over military vehicles in unchecked defiance after the government declared a state of emergency. Continue reading

GOP senator foresees ‘bailout riots,’ and says DC students ‘end up’ in gangs

Days after he predicted there would be rioting from a public angry with all of the federal bailouts, Republican Senator Jim DeMint made another judgmentally-questionable statement –that students at D.C. public schools have a higher likelihood of joining gangs than of graudating from high school. Continue reading

MSM: Icelandic government becomes first to be brought down by the credit crunch

The government of Iceland today became the first to be effectively brought down by the credit crunch.

After several nights of rioting over the financial crisis, Prime Minister Geir Haarde, surrendered to increasing pressure and called a general election for May. Continue reading