Scanning Accepted, Not Safe

(Infowars) – When you go to your local dentist’s office for a check-up, the first thing they will do is take you to have some x-rays done. During this procedure you are fitted with an x-ray apron to protect your vital organs from harmful radiation released when the image is captured. The radiologist will walk out of the room and activate the machine by a switch located on the other side of the door. This is done because radiation is dangerous, even the small amount used in common dental office imaging. Gamma and x-ray radiation is what’s called ionizing radiation; it penetrates the skin and has the ability to alter the make-up of atoms. Continue reading

MSM: Study – Many Sunscreens May Be Accelerating Cancer

(AOLNews) – Almost half of the 500 most popular sunscreen products may actually increase the speed at which malignant cells develop and spread skin cancer because they contain vitamin A or its derivatives, according to an evaluation of those products released today.

AOL News also has learned through documents and interviews that the Food and Drug Administration has known of the potential danger for as long as a decade without alerting the public, which the FDA denies. Read More Here

MSM: Where’s Jimmy? Just Google His Bar Code

(Fox) – Scientists tag animals to monitor their behavior and keep track of endangered species. Now some futurists are asking whether all of mankind should be tagged too. Looking for a loved one? Just Google his microchip.

The chips, called radio frequency identification (RFID) tags, emit a simple radio signal akin to a bar code, anywhere, anytime. Futurists say they can be easily implanted under the skin on a person’s arm. Continue reading

If mainstream medicine really works, why are Americans so unhealthy? – Mike Adams

(NaturalNews) – Did you ever wonder why such an alarmingly high percentage of Americans are obese, diabetic, depressed and suffering from cancer, heart disease, kidney disorders and skin problems? Now consider the fact that Americans pay more per capita for health care than any other nation in the world. Americans pay the highest prices, by far, for medications, medical imaging scans, blood work, surgeries, chemotherapy and hospital stays. And yet what does America have to show for it? The most universally diseased population in the world — and a nation on the verge of bankruptcy caused in part by mainstream medicine. Continue reading

Titanium dioxide in vitamins and supplements: Is it safe for human consumption?

(NaturalNews) – Because I take a large number of nutritional supplements, I’ve become increasingly concerned over the years about supplement excipients, binders and fillers. One ingredient frequently used in vitamin manufacturing is titanium dioxide, a nanoparticle powder made of fine titanium bits. It’s best known as an ingredient in sunscreen, but it’s also used in thousands of cosmetic products as well as nutritional products. Continue reading

Capitalizing Security: “Non-Lethal” Weapons and the Market

When the U.S. military planned to deploy Raytheon’s Active Denial System (ADS) in Iraq, it set off a political firestorm. How couldn’t it? Continue reading

At Least 90 Killed In US Attack

Afghanistan – The stench of burnt flesh hung over the banks of the Kunduz river in the early hours of Friday, the ground scattered with the body parts of villagers who just wanted something for free. Continue reading

MSM: Study – Tanning beds as deadly as arsenic

(Yahoo) – International cancer experts have moved tanning beds and other sources of ultraviolet radiation into the top cancer risk category, deeming them as deadly as arsenic and mustard gas. For years, scientists have described tanning beds and ultraviolet radiation as “probable carcinogens.” Continue reading

Organic Foods – The Ultimate Preventive Medicine

Organic foods will not only keep you healthy and help you live longer but will improve your skin, maintain your optimum weight, increase your energy and reverse your aging process as they most certainly have mine: Allen L Roland Continue reading

Astaxanthin is Age and Disease Defying Miracle Nutrient from Microalgae

Recent research has documented its ability to increase cellular energy, protect against and treat cancer, protect against damage to the brain and nervous system, and halt the progression of complications from diabetes. In fact, astaxanthin may truly be considered a miracle nutrient.
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Forensic Scientists Working on Technology to Render Face Photos Solely from DNA Left At Crime Scene

Forensic scientists are working on a way to reconstruct a person’s face based on their DNA, allowing police to identify people more effectively from something as simple as a piece of hair or flake of skin, according to research presented at the conference of the American Association for the Advancement of Science in Chicago. Continue reading

MSM: Elderly need more ‘sun vitamin’

(BBC) – Spending more time in the sun could help older people cut their risk of heart disease and diabetes say experts. Continue reading