Video: Lawsuit challenges airport full-body scanners

(BostonGlobe) – A privacy advocacy group is suing the Department of Homeland Security to suspend the use of the controversial full-body scanners employed at airports across the country, including at every major checkpoint at Logan International Airport.

The machines, which use X-rays or radio frequency energy to detect weapons and explosives beneath passengers’ clothing, have been much criticized because of privacy concerns. Continue reading

Scanning Accepted, Not Safe

(Infowars) – When you go to your local dentist’s office for a check-up, the first thing they will do is take you to have some x-rays done. During this procedure you are fitted with an x-ray apron to protect your vital organs from harmful radiation released when the image is captured. The radiologist will walk out of the room and activate the machine by a switch located on the other side of the door. This is done because radiation is dangerous, even the small amount used in common dental office imaging. Gamma and x-ray radiation is what’s called ionizing radiation; it penetrates the skin and has the ability to alter the make-up of atoms. Continue reading

One CT Scan Can Equal Up To 1,000 Chest X-Rays: 29,000 New Cancers From CT Scans? – J. Speer-Williams

Many years ago, I was in the coal-mining business, in West Virginia. It was there that I had an interesting conversation with a grizzled old coal-miner, who had once been trapped deep underground, after a cave-in.

“When I heard the rumblings of that cave-in getting closer to me,” he said, “well … that put me to thinking.”

When suddenly assaulted by an intemperate crisis, most of us are thrown into a state of fear, which inhibits any thinking. But perhaps, the old miner was simply calling the fear he must have felt – “thinking.”

Today, historic dangers are at hand for Americans, from almost every quarter, from our federal government to the pharmaceutical/medical combine, throwing some of us into a paralytic fear, with still fewer of us able to give our precarious situation much thought at all. The despotic triumvirate of the federal government, international banks, and multi-national corporations have made life much like trying to transverse a mine-field, without many of us knowing where the land mines are, and many more not even knowing they are in a mine field; such is their desire to avoid being fearful or inconvenienced with thinking. Continue reading