Scanning Accepted, Not Safe

(Infowars) – When you go to your local dentist’s office for a check-up, the first thing they will do is take you to have some x-rays done. During this procedure you are fitted with an x-ray apron to protect your vital organs from harmful radiation released when the image is captured. The radiologist will walk out of the room and activate the machine by a switch located on the other side of the door. This is done because radiation is dangerous, even the small amount used in common dental office imaging. Gamma and x-ray radiation is what’s called ionizing radiation; it penetrates the skin and has the ability to alter the make-up of atoms. Continue reading

The Fate of the Internet. Decided in a Back Room

(ComonDreams) – The Wall Street Journal just reported that the Federal Communications Commission is holding “closed-door meetings” with industry to broker a deal on Net Neutrality – the rule that keeps control over the Internet with the people who use it.

Given that the corporations at the table all profit from gaining control over information, the outcome won’t be pretty. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul on The Situation Room

On Wednesday, Dr. Paul appeared on CNN’s The Situation Room with Wolf Blitzer to discuss the need for the Republican Party to champion limited government and to put principle above politics. Continue reading

Video: Obama, Big Pharma make back room deals

(CBSNews) – Barack has teamed up with pharmaceutical companies to promote his health care program Continue reading

ABC News to Push Health Care Propaganda from White House

“On the night of June 24, the media and government become one, when ABC turns its programming over to President Obama and White House officials to push government run health care,” reports Drudge. Continue reading