For Britons, The Party Game Is Over – John Pilger

On the day Prime Minister Gordon Brown made his “major policy speech” on Afghanistan, repeating his surreal claim that if the British army did not fight Pashtun tribesmen over there, they would be over here, the stench of burnt flesh hung over the banks of the Kunduz River. Nato fighter planes had blown the poorest of the poor to bits. Continue reading

US Hypocrisy Astonishes the World

(PaulCraigRoberts) – Americans have lost their ability for introspection, thereby revealing their astounding hypocrisy to the world. Continue reading

At Least 90 Killed In US Attack

Afghanistan – The stench of burnt flesh hung over the banks of the Kunduz river in the early hours of Friday, the ground scattered with the body parts of villagers who just wanted something for free. Continue reading