Video: Mike Rivero – BP Gulf Oil Crisis – America’s Chernobyl

(July 6) – Alex talks with regular guest Mike Rivero, editor and publisher of the popular web news portal, What Really Happened. Rivero is also a GCN radio talk show host. Continue reading

Video: Mike Rivero on Alex Jones Tv – Mainstream Media is Losing All Credibility on Every Issue

(March 3, 2010) – Alex also talks with Mike Rivero, webmaster of the popular alternative news portal WRH and GCN talk show host. Mike makes his monthly appearance on the Alex Jones Show to discuss the economy and the plans of the Nwo. Continue reading

Zelikow’s ‘What Do I Do Now?’ Memo Found

We have found the famous “What Do I Do Now?” memo drafted by 9/11 Commission Executive Director Philip Zelikow on March 2, 2003. The memo advised staffers newly hired by the commission what they should do after starting work. Continue reading

You Get What you Vote For!

(CindySheehan) – The so-called anti-war movement currently finds itself in somewhat of a quagmire: What to do when the man you raised money for, volunteered for, and yes, even voted for, actually fulfills one of his most repulsive campaign promises? Continue reading

What festive cheer will the West bring to the Holy Land this Christmas?

Stuart Littlewood views the weasel words of Britain’s politicians who pretend to care for the Gaza Strip’s civilian population while supporting Israel’s criminal, genocidal policies, and the rank hypocrisy of its churchmen whose silence over the plight of the Strip’s Christian and Muslim communities speaks volumes about their lack of principles. Continue reading

Wake Up Americans!

“All truth passes through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed. Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” Arthur Schopenhauer (1788 – 1860)
There comes a time in everyone’s life when the TRUTH, no matter how horrible, catastrophic or repugnant it may be, must be faced.  America, your turn to awaken to the TRUTH is now at hand. Continue reading

Video: Marc Faber No Revival in US, Big crisis ahead

(CNBC) – Oct 3, 2009 – Marc Faber, Editor and Publisher of the Gloom, Boom & Doom Report feels nothing has been solved in the US in the last 6-9 months and that a big economic crisis was still to be seen ahead. Continue reading