Pandemic, America’s Final Solution?

Albright, Biden and Powell have all chimed in
about a generated crisis to test manchurian puppet Obama when he gets selected to read
scripts for the elites. This threat agenda seems
to be timed to coincide with the collapse of the US financial system when Obama takes office. It seems that a man made pandemic(read U.S. Military strain of a weaponized virus) will be unleashed. This would be the best way to manage the masses during a severe downturn – We can’t have people gettting together during a depression now can we. When your neighbors get sick, you are going to tell them to get the fuck away from you, perfect way to keep people isolated and afraid, and most importantly, ready for whatever solution these sick fucks have schemed to cull and manage the herds. Please take time to read the 1st link below.


So What Were Top Military Commanders From The US and Europe Doing at the Trudeau Institute?
Last Weekend the top military brass from the US and Europe met together in Saranac Lake NY.

– Trudeau Institute and U.S. Navy receive order to continue Pandemic Influenza vaccine development project

Experts predict next epidemic will start in animals

World Health Organization doctor Heinz Feldmann, right, talks to reporters, left, about SARS in Hong Kong in 2003. One doctor tells USA TODAY that he fears severe acute respiratory syndrome may be a rehearsal for something worse.
Bonnie Henry calls it the most surreal episode of her life. A deadly microbe from China infected a hotel guest in Hong Kong, hitchhiked on a jumbo jet to Toronto and turned a local hospital from a sanctuary for the sick into the incubator of an epidemic.
For Henry, the doctor in charge of Toronto’s operational response to SARS, the scenario was science fiction come to life. On a bleak day in March 2003, she ordered the hospital, Scarborough Grace, to close to new patients. She helped reopen a shuttered tuberculosis hospital and ordered 13 ailing health workers to check in.

Emergency drills planned for pandemic influenza, radiation release
BLOOMINGTON — Public health, hospital, law enforcement and emergency management agencies will practice responding to pandemic influenza Wednesday and to the release of radiation at the Clinton nuclear power plant on Thursday. Construction of fire station near CIRA to begin this fall“These drills allow us to review the plans we have in place and to identify areas where we need work,” said Bree Davis of the McLean County Health Department. “It’s important for all agencies to communicate because we would need a joint response if an event really were to happen in McLean County.”

Lloyds publishes report on pandemic impacts
The Emerging Risks Team at Lloyd’s has issued a new report on the threat posed by a global pandemic.
Its report ‘Pandemic – Potential Insurance Impacts’ focuses on the threat to the global business community and, in particular, the insurance markets of a global pandemic.
Trevor Maynard, manager, Emerging Risks, at Lloyd’s and the report’s author says: “The significant message is that society should not optimise to one particular scenario as a worst case. Much has been said of the 1918 Spanish Flu epidemic, which is said to have killed up to 100 million people worldwide. While Avian Flu is seen as the most likely next pandemic, we have to ensure we are prepared for other types of pandemics that may require different responses and pose different challenges — some of which may well have higher rates of mortality than flu.”

Global Viral Forecasting Initiative receives $11M to implement pandemic early warning system and the Skoll Foundation Partner with GVFI to prevent the next HIV

Chertoff Says Change in Presidency Fuels Terror `Vulnerability’ (threataganda)

DARPA Awards Northrop Grumman Contract To Develop New Laser Technology For High-Efficiency Fiber Amplifiers


One thought on “Pandemic, America’s Final Solution?

  1. I had not quite thought of the Global side of it, makes sense. Rumor has it that a lot of activity has been at the CDC late last week. They were under the impression of spreading something abroad but after looking at the whole picture, Bush allowing 7 countries to have free visas here may just bring it home.

    I know a few months ago the CDC stated that they had successfully mutated the HN51 making it H to H, something that actually wasn’t possible. The excuse was so that they could make a vaccine, of course you have to first have a disease.

    My great grandmother remembered the Great Depression well, and she also remembered a disease, not sure if the 2 were in the same time frame, she was born in 1894. People were terrified to go near each other.

    Then again, if a disease breaks out, and shots required or offered, perhaps we should run from the “cure”. What better way to spread it?

    Thing is, what if the military called in isn’t to restrain the public, but rather clean up the dead bodies? Funny how people would probably, out of fear, go along with almost anything. Like say… getting rid of the infected?

    Just a thought.

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