One thought on “Video: Ralph Nader Calls Out Aipac – Oct 23 2008

  1. We need more people to speak out against the Zionist movement and their main voice in America “A.I.P.A.C”.

    This “A.I.P.A.C” organization is a big threat to peace worldwide, their mission to control American way of thinking has reached an all time high. With every meeting you will see Government officials showing their support… after all… these same people “Zionist” helped them get elected in the first place. The modern day slavery is the people that run America, the masters being “A.I.P.A.C”.

    Target: IRAN
    People responsible for creating a war with Iran: A.I.P.A.C
    Victims: The American people

    Corruption: Israel
    Victims: Palestinians

    Zionist is the threat the News should be talking about but since A.I.P.A.C has their hands in the pockets of the M.S.M (supporters and people within) you will never hear a word about this real threat.

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