The New World Order of The People (Part 2 of 4)

I Mad As Hell… You Should Be To!

We must become angry! That is the first thing we must do like from the film “The Network” when the protagonist says “I want you to get mad! I want you to say ‘I mad as hell and I won’t take it anymore!’ I am a Human Being Dammit, My Life has Value!” You must get angry enough that you will no longer be tolerant and apathetic towards the illusions, distractions and dependencies. Freedom belongs to those who have the courage to fight for it, if you are an American you must have the capability to find your courage to fight for it. No more will I allow myself to submit to fear and the same with those around me. No more will I support the welfare state which is responsible for all the problems of this society.



We live in hard times both as Americans and as human beings. Our world is falling apart, largely thanks to the corruption and ambitions of a few individuals who have no desire but to see us enslaved to them through some vague common action and manipulated through a few choice words. Their intents are clear; their objectives are becoming more easily understood. Luckily, history shows that when the weight of corruption becomes too much on a society that old world falls apart and something new and pure takes its place. We live in a time, where we feel the world is coming to an end, but this is not speaking of the physical world for it will remain but what will be coming to an end are our old understandings of the world and society we live in. If you wish to know where we as a species are going than the word “transitioning” would describe what is occurring.

I Mad As Hell… You Should Be To!

We must become angry! That is the first thing we must do like from the film “The Network” when the protagonist says “I want you to get mad! I want you to say ‘I mad as hell and I won’t take it anymore!’ I am a Human Being Dammit, My Life has Value!” You must get angry enough that you will no longer be tolerant and apathetic towards the illusions, distractions and dependencies. Freedom belongs to those who have the courage to fight for it, if you are an American you must have the capability to find your courage to fight for it. No more will I allow myself to submit to fear and the same with those around me. No more will I support the welfare state which is responsible for all the problems of this society. No more will I allow myself to die on the inside or allow others to die on the inside, if you want freedom than you want life and you cannot allow them to drain the life out of you through ignorance which has manifested tolerance and apathy. This is the case, that you have the anger to begin to want to create change, not the change some politician wants but the change that you as an individual would want, a change to enlighten humanity and free it as well. My anger is based on the awareness I have come to. I do not anger at those who have been living “the lie,” but I anger at the lie itself, thus, the old Christian saying “Our battle is a spiritual battle.”

Society has fallen to Fear

I for one am disgusted by our society’s weakness, we have fallen to fear. Everywhere you look and listen that is all there is FEAR. We fear things as small as germs to something as big as each other, and something as mysterious as the unknown. It is through such fears that the powerful control us by. We must stop this fear by overcoming it. The powers that be are smart make no mistake, that is why they have provided the welfare state so that people will be too lazy to overcome their fears. I say I will not submit to fear but always work to overcome these fears and find the strength in my fears. If its germs I fear I will expose myself to them to increase the strength of my immune system. If it is a human I fear, I will not fear them but confront them with knowledge and love. If it is the unknown I fear I will embrace it in order to overcome it, I will not run away from it.

Where is there any freedom in being afraid all the time? How can you celebrate life if you are afraid and how can you really be happy if you are afraid? The government says “oh we want to protect you” but what I hear is “we will get rid of your fears but you must give up some of your freedoms in the process.” I will not do that, I have merely exchanged one form of slavery for another form, and because of that there is no trade off, rather there is a loser and a winner. You lost your freedoms and the government has won your power, it will expand only to oppress you further, where is the freedom in that?!

The Welfare State

The welfare state is designed to take care of you from cradle to grave. We live in a welfare state a state that seeks “to take care of its people.” The welfare state educates, feeds, and informs its populace. This could be a Utopian dream world if people did not have a corrupt side. Unfortunately, people do have a deceitful and corrupt side in which the education can be filled with half-truths leading to conflict and missing pieces of information that should have been mentioned to help create a better world view, the food they eat maybe of bad quality in order to maximize the very profits of those who produce such food, the information maybe as well half-true and deceptive so that you might see only the view of those who inform you.

The welfare state is a breeding ground for tolerance, apathy and ignorance. I say this because if someone takes care of you than, you are more likely to tolerate or not care about the actions the state takes, instead of taking care of yourself one relinquishes the hard work of self-knowledge and growth of individuality for some convenience and the relative ease of life. What is this self-knowledge I speak of? Self-Knowledge is the awareness of who you truly are not just accepting who you are at the present moment. It is pushing your own boundaries, being put into situations in which you are unsure of or even uncomfortable in and overcoming these circumstances to ennoble ones character and ones self-worth. When one knows themselves in such away than one is truly free and will understand all the more just how important liberty and life truly is.

Therefore, the welfare state and in affect the warfare state seek to make you ignorant and afraid both of your own weakness and fears. They exploit your weaknesses and the most common fears, in particular the fear of sudden death and fear of the unknown. They have a vested interest to see that you do not have your highest potentials realized such is the characteristic of the collectivist mindset, that we all realize our potentials or we all stay ignorant and afraid of our potentials, but for all to realize their potentials would suddenly make you into a true individual therefore, the collective (or as religious texts have called “the world”) would only seek to hold you down, depending on intent of said collective.

Mors Ontologica “Death of Being”

So the greatest threat we face at this time in human history is complete totalitarian collectivism. A Brave New World in which the only concern is to “Community, Identity, Stability” neglecting the individual, in fact it is Auldrous Huxley’s nightmare realized in which sterility and absence of individuality has occurred. The individual is indeed no more, conflict perhaps will be gone but at the great expense of the loss of depth of feelings, ferment of ideas, and artistic creativity. Intellectual excitement and discovery will be controlled significantly by governments and corporations. Each individual is conditioned and indoctrinated, from their youth. In this new world order of the elite the individual is never educated to prize thinking on their own. Instead everyone is happy and stable at the loss of all that which seems to make a human… a human.

The future is grim if everyone is stupefied and medicated. Reduced to mindless and soulless zombies there is no life and everything is death, humanity although maybe alive physically, its mental and spiritual capacity is reduced to uniformity and conformity the two things that limit life. The distractions and illusions will no longer be seen as unfavorable but all believe that it is the unquestionable “truth” that somehow it would be the only way to live life. When this happens the heretics will be the only source of life, but then again it always has been the heretics that have understood profundity. Our children and our future will be conditioned to believe that their slavery is their “freedom.” Even though we know it will not be!

The New World Order of the People (Part 3 of 4)

A New World Order of the People (Part 1 of 4)

Written by Jim Andersen


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