Democrat Proposes Law Requiring Firearm Owners Have $1,000,000 Insurance Policies

Illinois — the land of Obama and the Blagojevich mafia — is serious about making the Second Amendment so expensive only the rich will be able to exercise it. Kenneth Dunkin, a former social worker and Democrat member of the Illinois House of Representatives, has introduced HB0687, entitled the “Firearm Owners ID-Insurance” bill. It is currently in the Rules Committee.

Dunkin’s bill amends the Firearm Owners Identification Card Act, a previous bill aimed at chipping away at the Second Amendment. Dunkin’s amendment states “that any person who owns a firearm in this State shall maintain a policy of liability insurance in the amount of at least $1,000,000 specifically covering any damages resulting from negligent or willful acts involving the use of such firearm while it is owned by such person.”

A million dollars!

Can you imagine the premium on such an insurance policy? It would be astronomical and out of the reach of most people in Illinois.

If the firearm owner cannot afford the insurance or decides that it is simply crazy and also unconstitutional and refuses to participate, “the Department of State Police shall revoke and seize a Firearm Owner’s Identification Card,” thus making the the firearm illegal and the owner a criminal.

If Dunkin’s bill makes it out of committee and is passed by the Illinois General Assembly, a whole lot of people will have their firearms confiscated by the State Police.


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One thought on “Democrat Proposes Law Requiring Firearm Owners Have $1,000,000 Insurance Policies

  1. What in the world is happening in the United State of America. We are turning into a socialist country. The 2nd Amendment guarantees our RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS. Not only gun owners, but everybody, should fight. The government is taking away ALL OUR RIGHTS!!!!!!!!

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