Film: Iron Mountain – Blueprint for Tyranny

This is a 2:40 hour documentary investigating the little known Iron Mountain Report, leaked to the press in 1967. Purports to be a top-secret government plan to bring in the New World Order and the ultimate plans for American citizens. Declared a hoax, it was later verified by a top Pentagon official as real.

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3 thoughts on “Film: Iron Mountain – Blueprint for Tyranny

  1. It is well researched, but the speaker gets side tracked too much. It should be cut down to about a hour or an hour and a half. Too many pictures of nothing ness that leaves me wondering why am I watching it. My advice stick with the topic, and forget about the pictures of words on the screen. Present this as you are the lecturer, and it is you that is on the screen.

  2. Good doccumentary, my advice…dont take anyone elses advice…if the pictures bother certain skeptics i suggest that they merely listen to the film instead of watching it or if they dont like the way its presented they can make their own…hahaha

  3. Amazing video. I am shocked as how well have both parties (Repubicans and Demonrats) have contributed to the implementation of the plan in the Iron Mountain Report in order to establish the New World Order. I am just wondering who were the 15 experts who came to that conclusion. I could especulate that David Rockefeller and Henry Kissinger were head on into it as they both have been so instrumental in the creation of the New World Order.
    I highly recommend everyone to watch “The Fall of The Republic” “The Obama Deception” “Endgame” “America From Freedom to Fascism” and “Camp Fema” all these documentaries are freely available in Youtube and Google. Don’t miss them. They pretty much go hand in hand with the Iron Mountain documentary.

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