Video: Chuck Norris – Obama Should Be Impeached If He Tries To Enforce Copenhagen Agreement

(PaulWatson) – Actor and political activist Chuck Norris told the Alex Jones Show yesterday that President Obama should be impeached if he attempts to implement the Copenhagen agreement without Congressional approval.

Paul Joseph Watson
Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Chuck Norris: Obama Should Be Impeached If He Tries To Enforce Copenhagen Agreement  151209top

The martial artist also warned that Obama may attempt to cancel the 2012 election and stay in power as a result of an engineered crisis.

“I think Congress should impeach Obama, they have the right to,” said Norris, adding that Obama was seeking a dictatorship and an annulment of the next election so that he could stay in power.

“He’s not concerned about 2012 – by 2012 he wants to be a lifetime member of the presidency,” said Norris.

“They’re just trying to make our country so dependent on government that he can do whatever he wants to do to our country,” added the martial artist, adding that people needed to stand up and say enough is enough.

“Obama, his czars, Rahm Emanuel, and George Soros – they’re the ones running our country and it’s a sad situation right now,” added Norris, noting that the agenda behind Copenhagen was for a global government and a one world bank run by globalists like Soros.

Norris said that Al Gore had become a potential billionaire as a result of the global warming “con game” and that he, along with Soros and Obama want, “Total control over the world and especially of the United States of America and it’s heading in that direction.”

Norris said that before transferring wealth to poor countries abroad under any international treaty, Obama should be concerned about poor people in America who are living in tent cities and won’t have a Christmas this year.

“They want to bankrupt our economy here in the United States and then come in with international money and take away the dollar,” warned Norris.

“If the people don’t rise up, we’re going to have a revolution in our country,” he added.

Saying that everyone who put their name to the Obamacare bill should be voted out of office, Norris explained that rather than tearing down the entire health care infrastructure, lawmakers should focus on the 20 per cent that needs fixing, and leave the other 80 per cent of people who are happy with their health care alone.

“It’s going to be a very trying three more years with the Obama administration, this is just the tip of the iceberg with health care,” said Norris, adding that big government proponents would be emboldened by its passage and would then pursue other “devastating” legislation such as cap and trade.

Watch a video of the interview below.

Part 1 of 3

Part 2 of 3

Part 3 of 3

5 thoughts on “Video: Chuck Norris – Obama Should Be Impeached If He Tries To Enforce Copenhagen Agreement

  1. Chuck, Chuck, Chuck, if you were watching the 2004 election you would know that it is not necessary for Obama to cancel the 2012 election. They have been rigging all the elections since 2001. Where were you when the Bush Crime Family was running the show? Were you watching as they stripped the Republic down and transformed it into a Corporate Fascist State? Did you read the Patriot Act, versions I and II? Can Obama beat an act like 9/11 that was under the Bush watch? Most of the world knows that they and the Zionists/Neocons orchestrated it as well. Just look who benefitted. Congress had more evidence to impeach Bush and Cheney than Obama. They are just the figureheads, not the real leaders. Corporatocracy is run by the unelected ultra very rich elitists. Look, I am not fan of Rahm Emanuel, and George Soros either. But even they are working for much higher ups. Please seriously read the “Protocols of the Elders of Zion” because, forgery or not, it lays out the plan exactly. The agenda behind Copenhagen is for a global government and a one world bank. Soros is just one of the middle managers, not even a top dog.

    As far as global warming, it is real, and so are the others who have distorted the science for their own ends. It is being exploited for control and profits. Again you will find when you look hard enough that it is following the plan of the “Protocols” as a tool for domination. It is a natural phenomenon that is helped a bit by human industrial culture and agricultural practices.

    Chuck, you are worried that before transferring wealth to poor countries abroad under any international treaty, Obama should be concerned about poor people in America who are living in tent cities and won’t have a Christmas this year. But what about the money wasted on Israel and our own Military? The Congressional-Military-Industrial-Banking Complex of perpetual war is more a threat to the American people than any natural disaster or terrorist attack could ever be. Chuck, since Reagan they have bankrupted our country, Obama is just continuing the process. The Bush Administration has already paid some of our debt to China in Ameros, it is already an undeclared actual official currency. The dollar was doomed years ago.

    “If the people don’t rise up, we’re going to have a revolution in our country,” You said. But that is what they want. Bush set the stage for a massive crack down on the American people back in 2006. Obama is there only to use the tools that he was handed down. How can we trust a Military who broke their oath to defend the Constitution from foreign and DOMESTIC threats? They did nothing and still haven’t. Now they train to “control” the American people, not defend them.

    Chuck, as far as the medical reform, it doesn’t go far enough, never will because Big Business control the Halls of Congress and the Senate. Who are these 80% of the people who are happy with their health care? I am certainly not one. When Bush came in and deregulated everything, the prices skyrocketed to un-affordability for us working people. Then they change the bankruptcy laws too. Do you know what the real reason for the vast majority of bankruptcies are Chuck? Health Care costs. I don’t like what they have come up with because it caved in to Big Money at the expense of the American People.

    Chuck, don’t buy into the Right Wing shrills. Do more research, get informed. Obama is just a figurehead and front man behind who really controls America. A more noble effort would be to rant against the Empire and endless wars. Rant against the immorality of the elite ruling class. Rant against the shrills of the right wing media and their control of information. Rant against a fake two party system that gives us poor choices for leadership. Rant against all the efforts since Reagan to destroy the Constitution. Rant against all the criminality in our Government. Rant against the “Machine” that controls it all.

  2. Hey, Kal-El, I am pretty much with you on all you said, except when it comes to gov’t
    run healthcare. Most people aren’t getting that our medical industry is run by……
    the same globalist eugenicists who want to kill us off! National healthcare will only
    make this task easier for them, because we will all be forced into a “healthcare” data-
    base and be even more controlled than we are now! There will be forced exams and forced

    We are debating the wrong issue. What we need to do is learn natural methods to care
    for ourselves and our families. Drugs have never been a good solution, nor has radiation or toxic metals. We need to get away from this system that is holding our
    people hostage! We’ve accepted the lie that we can’t live without big pharma. The
    truth is, we would live much better and longer if we lived according to the laws, food
    and medicine given us by our Creator.

    Read my lips: national healthcare is NOT MEANT TO HELP US. Quite the opposite.

  3. Kate, I guess I should have elaborated more on health care. The current state of health care is abominable at best. Health care costs have gone through the roof and the cost of insurance is ridiculously expensive. It can all be traced back to the deregulation under the Bush Regime’. The States are also to blame for not keeping a cap on things as well. Obviously in a parallel world where greed is not the driving force Americans would have an affordable great health care system. There currently still are too many people in Congress and the Senate who are tied to big pharmaceutical and health care concerns. If only we could out law lobbyists and ban their influence on our government representatives it could help. Lobbyists seem to run the country, hence big money does. I do think that government control of health care can and most likely turn into a bitter pill that we are forced to swallow. Unfortunately it is true; the same globalist eugenicists who want to kill us off do run our national health care system. The health care data-base is close to already being up and running. They control too much and the checks and balances as well as the quality control are gone. You are so right that natural medicines that have worked for thousands of years will always be better. Sometimes science can bring about some good. But doesn’t it always seem the case that it gets corrupted, just like our food standards. Why is their such a huff and distaste for the use of marijuana? The history of its use in medicine goes back thousands of years as does many other plants. It was demonized by big business and people believed it. They might isolated and synthetically manufacture parts but the effect is not as great as the whole. Science did come up with acetylsalicylic acid or aspirin and artificial form of the natural substance found in Willow bark. I’m sure that Willow bark has been used for millennium in medicine and can be traced back to use in ancient Sumerian civilization. But again, it seems to be the greed factor that prohibits the use of natural medicines as opposed to something that can make a profit for someone. We were brought up to believe that the “doctor” was a learned man who knew what was best for us. But over time, like too many aspects of our culture they have made a handsome profit out of medicine. It is now just big business. There are still many good doctors out there. But being human, and effected by human desires, they can go bad. Just the other day I ran across a good doctor who did things for all classes of people. He has been able to retire. I will never get that chance. Why? Because medical bills over the last decade has nearly destroyed all I had. He served in the first Gulf War and got called up for the second. His call up put hundreds into a bad situation because few took the Medicaid and medicare and the poor peoples insurance. The bureaucracy behind medicine also is a hindrance to effective health care. Sure the malpractice insurance prices are also too much, But those could be re regulated again to a common sense approach and reasonable prices. Can it be fixed? I really don’t know any more. There was a time it could and should have. It has to change away from profit driven business to one of true caring.

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