MSM: Now Scientists Say Earth May Experience “Sudden Ice Age”

(MSNBC) – In the film, “The Day After Tomorrow,” the world gets gripped in ice within the span of just a few weeks. Now research now suggests an eerily similar event might indeed have occurred in the past. Continue reading

Public Menace-Private Profit: America’s Biowarfare Alliance

(GlobalResearch) – In September, The New York Times reported that a University of Chicago researcher, Malcolm Casadaban, died after exposure to “a weakened and ordinarily harmless strain of the bacteria that cause plague.” Continue reading

Canada: The Practices of Corporate Mining

(GlobalResearch) – Canadians are have at times been led to believe how their role in Afghanistan is based on humanitarian principles.  “Our troops” are supposedly there to promote women’s rights, chase out the evil Taliban and restore the country to peace and stability. It is all put forward by officials in an over simplistic, fairy tale like- good and evil narrative.  Continue reading

MSM: Peasants’ Revolt Against Immigration, Global Warming Scam Growing

(LondonTelegraph) – Swiss voters lied to pollsters, banned minarets: soon the international peasants’ revolt could engulf immigration, climate change – and even Dave Continue reading

Climategate: not news to me, says Shaviv

Brilliant young astrophysicist Professor Nir Shaviv says he’s not surprised at all by Climategate, whether it’s the revelation that data was destroyed to prevent checking, or evidence that sceptics were blocked from publication: Continue reading

Video: Jon Stewart on ClimateGate: ‘Poor Al Gore – Global Warming Debunked Via Internet You Invented’

If you needed any more assurance the growing ClimateGate scandal is far more significant than America’s media has been portraying, you got it Tuesday night from Comedy Central’s Jon Stewart. Continue reading

Gargantuan Industry Of Climate Alarmism Exposed By ClimateGate

“Scientific Consensus”, rather than skepticism, is driven by profit and big business
The leaking of thousands of emails from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit has shined a light on an industry of climate change alarmism, highlighting the hypocritical claims of corporate cronyism on behalf of proponents of the anthropological global warming theory (AGW). Continue reading

Obama quietly authorises expansion of war in Pakistan

(IndianExpress) – As the US announced deepening of its involvement in Afghanistan by despatching 30,000 more troops, President Barack Obama has quietly authorised an expansion of war against terrorism in Pakistan under which CIA would widen its campaign of strikes against militants by unmanned drones. Continue reading

DuPont Accused of Massive Water Pollution

DuPont has been covering up and refusing to take responsibility for its toxic pollution of the Ohio River for a quarter of a century, and the poisons it uses to make Teflon stay in the environment for 2,000 years, a nonprofit water association claims in Federal Court. Continue reading

VF exclusive: Blackwater’s Erik Prince to step down, reveals CIA role

(RawStory) – Blackwater’s Erik Prince was recruited as a CIA agent in the years after the 9/11 attacks, says an exclusive report at Vanity Fair that also reveals the billionaire ex-Navy SEAL plans to step down from Blackwater to teach high school. Continue reading

Afghanistan War

“Finish the Job”: Obama Reignites “War on Terrorism” With Massive Afghanistan Surge

Barack Obama has declared that he and his administration will “finish the job” in Afghanistan. In a speech that echoed, word for word, the now time-honored criminal 9/11/“war on terrorism” and “security” falsehoods of the Bush-Cheney administration, Obama is sending yet another “surge” of 30,000 US troops to the slaughter. Read More Here

Obama’s War: Why is the largest military machine on the planet unable to defeat the resistance in Afghanistan

Just how powerful is the U.S. military today?
Why is the largest military machine on the planet unable to defeat the resistance in Afghanistan , in a war that has lasted longer than World War II or Vietnam ? Read More Here

Has The USA Forgotten Peace

Tonight, I will listen to the President tell me that it will take years to withdraw from Afghanistan. He will, out of political necessity tell a series of lies. He will lie by omission, failing to tell people that this war, our “good war” was, when the facts are examined, a farce. There has not been a credible word from Osama bin Laden since December, 2001, when his death was announced in the Islamic press. What other reason did we have to occupy Afghanistan and lead it into total ruin? Read More Here

Is President Obama’s Surge A Trap? – Cynthia McKinney

Last night, President Obama announced both his decision to add 30,000 U.S. troops to the mire in Afghanistan and his desire to see other countries and N.A.T.O. match his surge. Thanks to U.S. taxpayers, mercenaries will continue to be a part of the foreign presence in Afghanistan. The Republicans support the President’s move and are expected to reward President Obama with the bulk of their Congressional votes to pass his plan. Continue reading

Stealth Treaty Seeks Strict Controls Over Internet

A sweeping international treaty to regulate how knowledge and creativity may flow on the Internet is now being negotiated. Haven’t heard of it? Funny thing, that’s exactly what the backers of the treaty want. The film, music, publishing and information industries don’t want a public debate about the issues or an open debate in Congress. So they have been working hand-in-glove with the U.S. Trade Representative to move U.S. policymaking offshore and throw a dark cloak of secrecy around everything. The next stop: draconian penalties for anyone who is accused of violating copyright law. Continue reading

Climategate Outrage Explodes As Carbon Tax Agenda Collapses

(PaulWatson) – Outrage surrounding the climategate scandal is increasing as desperate apologists for the crooks caught manipulating data to “hide the decline” in global warming attempt to distance themselves from the perpetrators, burning a few scientists to save the larger carbon tax gravy train in a cynical damage limitation exercise. Continue reading

MSM: Gold Rises to a Record on Stronger Demand for a Currency Hedge

(Bloomberg) – Gold surged to a record for a second day as investors stepped up purchases to protect their wealth against fiat currencies. Silver also gained. Continue reading

Recent World Events Indicate Impending Market Chaos

For the past couple years we have been covering every nuance of the economic collapse and in almost every instance we have come to the conclusion that 2010 would be the year that the U.S. would see an incredible downturn, possibly resulting in the inflationary disintegration of the Dollar, and a major stock market revolt which would destroy any remaining illusion Americans still have that a recovery is in progress: Continue reading

Video: Mike Rivero on Alex Jones Tv: Obama Lies For A Living!!

Alex also talks with regular monthly guest Mike Rivero, editor and publisher of the WRH news web portal. Continue reading

Homeland Security or Homeland Enslavement? – Chuck Baldwin

(C4L) – By now, most readers are familiar with the story of how a Virginia couple, Michaele and Tareq Salahi, crashed the White House State Dinner last Tuesday evening. President and Mrs. Obama were entertaining Indian Prime Minister Manmohan Singh in the first official State Dinner of the new administration. The Salahis were not on the invited guest list, but were still allowed to walk right into the White House. They even had face-to-face conversations with both President Obama and Vice President Joe Biden. Photographs of the Salahis with the President and Vice President have been published in numerous newspapers and on hundreds of web sites. Continue reading

Why Big Pharma Hates Medical Marijuana – Campaign for Liberty

Once upon a time in America a citizen had complete freedom (along with the personal responsibility) to discover and use anything they believed might help them with a medical problem. One such discovery was the medicinal use of cannabis. By the late 19th century its use had been widely accepted for both human and animal applications. Cannabis was virtually cost-free to grow (it is classified a weed), highly effective, low side-effect and low, nearly zero addictive properties. Continue reading

Video: Ron Paul – Healthcare Freedom or Healthcare Bureaucracy?

(C4L) – The U.S. Preventive Task Force caused quite a stir recently when they revised their recommendations on the frequency and age for women to get mammograms. Many have speculated on the timing for this government-funded report, with the Senate vote on health care looming, and cost estimates being watched closely. Just the hint that the government would risk womens health to cut costs is causing outrage on both sides of the aisle. Continue reading

Video: Webster Tarpley on Alex Jones Tv – Al Gore’s Climatology “A Eugenical System”

Author and GCN host Webster Tarpley makes an appearance. Webster is the author of Obama – The Postmodern Coup and Surviving The Cataclysm, both available at the Infowars Store. Alex will also cover the latest climategate developments, runs down the news. Continue reading

Copenhagen Spokesman Calls for “Creation of Vision” through Works of Fiction at UNESCO Conference

Broadcasters play a vital role by informing and educating the public about the realities of climate change and the costs of inaction. Armed with information, citizens are better equipped to push for meaningful and responsible follow-through from their elected representatives. This is all the more essential in the final days before Copenhagen.”
Statement by UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon for UNESCO’s International Conference on Broadcast Media and Climate Change Continue reading

Feds ‘Pinged’ Sprint GPS Data 8 Million Times Over a Year

(Wired) – Sprint Nextel provided law enforcement agencies with customer location data more than 8 million times between September 2008 and October 2009, according to a company manager who disclosed the statistic at a non-public interception and wiretapping conference in October. Continue reading

The U.S. Government Is Taking Us Down

President Obama has decided to up the ante in Afghanistan by acceding to his generals’ request to send an additional 34,000 troops to that beleaguered nation. What better proof that those of us who opposed the initial invasion of Afghanistan were right? The decision to treat the 9/11 attacks as a military problem, rather than a criminal-justice one, has turned out to be one unmitigated disaster, a disaster that seemingly has no end. Continue reading

The World’s Least Powerful Man – The Obama Puppet – Paul Craig Roberts

(GlobalResearch) – It didn’t take the Israel Lobby very long to bring President Obama to heel regarding his prohibition against further illegal Israeli settlements on occupied Palestinian land. Obama discovered that a mere American president is powerless when confronted by the Israel Lobby and that the United States simply is not allowed a Middle East policy separate from Israel’s. Continue reading

Bombshell UN Documents Outline Plan To Use Climategate Crooks In “End Run” Around National Sovereignty

(PaulWatson) – Shocking newly uncovered UN strategy documents reveal how elitists are recruiting members of academia from all over the globe in an effort to hide the “end-run” around national sovereignty that their agenda represents, emphasizing how the climategate crooks who were recently caught manipulating scientific data in order to “hide the decline” in global warming are working with the United Nations in the pursuit of a world government justified by the global warming fraud that they are helping to perpetrate. Continue reading

Video: CNN Spreads Detention Camp Disinfo

In a new CNN report deeply rooted in Department of Homeland Security propaganda, CNN’s John Acosta says that the Federal government is not building detention camps around the country and that there is absolutely no proof of these kinds of activities. However, a highly controversial documentary released a couple of months ago offers the viewers almost 90 minutes of heart-stopping proof that plans for martial law and FEMA camps are indeed very real. Continue reading

Law Enforcement Magazine Argues for Counterinsurgency Against Americans

In an article published in the February, 2010, issue of Guns & Weapons for Law Enforcement (a print magazine not available online), Donald J. Mihalek argues that suspected criminals in the United States should be treated the same way “insurgents” are in Iraq. Continue reading

Video: Flashback – Greenpeace Leader Admits Arctic Ice Exaggeration

Gerd Leipold, the outgoing leader of Greenpeace, admitted that his organization’s recent claim that the Arctic Ice will disappear by 2030 was “a mistake.” Greenpeace said in a July 15 press release that there will be an ice-free Arctic by 2030 because of global warming. BBC reporter Stephen Sackur on the “Hardtalk” program pressed Leipold until he admitted the claim was wrong. Continue reading