Michele Bachmann Warns: “Financial Bill Worse Than Healthcare Measure”

(NewsWithViews) – A Republican congresswoman, who has been in the forefront of the fight against the healthcare bill, the climate control bill and other contentious measures, warned in an impromptu interview on Breitbart.tv Thursday evening, that a fast-tracked, under-the-radar mega-bill by Rep. Barney Frank, D-Mass., designed to overhaul the regulation of the entire financial services industry – and headed at the time for passage by the House — is “even worse.” Continue reading

Video: TIME Names Ben Bernanke as Person of the Year for 2009, but it’s 1984..

In a time fitting for a George Orwell novel, Ben Bernanke has been named person of the year. Why is this appalling? Well the Federal Reserve’s job is to keep us from having recessions and depressions, very simply, that is their job, along with keeping stability in the markets. Bernanke failed, and accordingly this announcement comes one day before the Senate Banking Committee recommmends his confirmation to the full Senate for another 4 year term as Chairman of the Federal Reserve. Continue reading

Video: Panic in Detroit – Unemployment Stands at 50%

Nearly one out of two workers in Detroit are unemployed, according to a report by The Detroit News. It’s a figure far higher than the government’s official figure, which is still close to a staggering 30 percent. Continue reading

MSM: Climategate goes SERIAL – now the Russians confirm that UK climate scientists manipulated data to exaggerate global warming

(Telegraph) – Climategate just got much, much bigger. And all thanks to the Russians who, with perfect timing, dropped this bombshell just as the world’s leaders are gathering in Copenhagen to discuss ways of carbon-taxing us all back to the dark ages. Continue reading

Officials and Experts Warn of Crash-Induced Unrest

(WashingtonsBlog) – Numerous high-level officials and experts warn that the economic crisis could lead to unrest world-wide – even in developed countries:

  • Today, Moody’s warned that future tax rises and spending cuts could trigger social unrest in a range of countries from the developing to the developed world, that in the coming years, evidence of social unrest and public tension may become just as important signs of whether a country will be able to adapt as traditional economic metrics, and that a fiscal crisis remains a possibility for a leading economy, it said that 2010 would be a “tumultuous year for sovereign debt issuers”.
  • Continue reading

Video: Nigel Farage on Alex Jones Tv – Obama is A Dangerous Man!!

Alex talks with Nigel Farage, the former leader of the United Kingdom Independence Party and a member of the European Parliament for the South East. Farage recently criticized Prince Charles and British PM Gordon Brown for not allowing a referendum on the Treaty of Lisbon. Often described by the media as a “eurosceptic,” Farage has come under fire for characterizing the EU as authoritarian dictatorship ruled by unelected bureaucrats to the detriment of national sovereignty. Continue reading

Video: Alan Watt on Alex Jones Tv – Mind Games of The Nwo

Alex talks with Alan Watt, about the many different ways the nwo plays mind games with the general public in order to get them to go along with their propaganda. Continue reading

Environmentalism in the Third Reich

With COP15 well underway, we are witnessing the complete mutilation of freedom worldwide. When lord Christopher Monckton was rudely interrupted by chanting automatons the other day, he was quite right to refer to them as “Hitler Youth”. Why? Because they too blindly served a system that had a murderous and tyrannical apple-core, resulting in the deaths of tens of millions of people. The same applies to the current world government being constructed at the expense of developing nations, but (horribly ironical) implemented in the name of those same developing nations. The endgame was, is and always will be the extermination of a great many people. It is the New World Order’s intent to shake the tree of liberty so furiously, that most apples fall to the ground to rot and die. If the world government will be ratified, it will also snap the trunk. Continue reading

Infowars Exclusive: Arnold Arrives in Copenhagen for Final Push Towards Global Government

While climate protestors dressed as clowns lined the outer perimeter of the UN Climate Summit in at Copenhagen’s Bella Centre, another three-ringed media circus was taking place inside. Continue reading

UK House of Lords Follow China and Australia, Propose Internet Censorship Bill

(KurtNimmo) – As China, Iran, and Australia initiate draconian efforts to shut down the internet as an alternative news source, the House of Lords in the United Kingdom is mulling a similar attempt to block dissenting voices. The so-called Digital Economy Bill, essentially ignored by the media, would allow the Secretary of State to “a technical obligation on internet service providers” at the whim of the government. Continue reading

Video: Copenhagen Police Use Force on Unarmed Protestors

(WashingtonsBlog) – Police at the climate summit in Copenhagen are using force on unarmed protestors: Continue reading

Predator Class Warfare

It is not just BIG government that I am deathly afraid of. It is also the masses of unmanned predator drones who now rule the earth in every which way. And I am not talking about planes folks. Continue reading

Video: Dr. Len Horowitz – Mass Mind Control

While the rest of the world was out shopping and being happy mindless consumers, We Are Change Colorado and Dr. Len Horowitz and his team held a Vaccine awareness and protest rally at Denver Capital. While we were waiting for others to arrive Dr. Horowitz decided to let a little insight into what he feels about the Cosmos. Very Very interesting conversation for sure! Continue reading

Video: Fox News Covers Mass Drugging of Society with Lithium

(KurtNimmo) – In the remarkable Fox News report posted below, Dr. Archelle Georgiou, described as a well-recognized physician leader who “helps consumers make better health care decisions,” argues the case for adding lithium to the water supply. Georgiou is affiliated with the Center for Health Transformation, an organization founded by the notorious neocon Newt Gingrich. Continue reading

Video: Another Significant Step Toward A US War On Iran – Ron Paul

I rise in strongest opposition to this new round of sanctions on Iran, which is another significant step toward a US war on that country. I find it shocking that legislation this serious and consequential is brought up in such a cavalier manner. Suspending the normal rules of the House to pass legislation is a process generally reserved for “non-controversial” business such as the naming of post offices. Are we to believe that this House takes matters of war and peace as lightly as naming post offices? Continue reading

Afghan Children Are Neglected Casualties Of War

Years of war, bad government, corruption and poverty have left Afghanistan with the highest infant mortality rate in the world, according to UNICEF. More than one out of every five children are dead by the time they are five. Continue reading

Tony Blair’s Justification for Waging War: “Whether Or Not the Stated Reasons Are True, We Must Do It Anyway”

(WashingtonsBlog) – Former British Prime Minister Tony Blair told the Iraq War investigation that – whether or not Iraq had weapons of mass destruction – he would have backed the Iraq war. As the Guardian notes: Continue reading

Veterans Group Calls on Soldiers to Refuse Orders to Deploy to Afghanistan and Iraq – Dahr Jamail

In response to President Barack Obama’s announcement on December 1 to deploy 30,000 additional troops to the occupation of Afghanistan, the organization March Forward!, with comprising both veterans and active-duty members of the US military, has called on all soldiers to refuse their orders to deploy. Continue reading

War in the Congo. An Ongoing Humanitarian Catastrophe

After a week in Kinshasa talking about war in Congo, it was time to see it, or at least visit its epicenter in the East. This is where rape is used as a weapon of war, where rebel groups challenge government forces militarily and occupy territory. 1.8 million people have been displaced causing a major humanitarian crisis; territory seems to change hands regularly and, as they say, tension is high. Continue reading

Global Warming is Going Down Like Nine Pins

First, it was the Mail on Sunday, and the brilliant exposé by David Rose about the alleged manipulation of climate data.

Today, the critique of ‘global warming’ hits the front page of the mainstream media with the Daily Express in full flight: ‘100 REASONS WHY GLOBAL WARMING IS NATURAL’: Continue reading

Video: Russian Federation Council gives president green light to deploy troops abroad

(RussiaToday) – The upper house of the Russian parliament on Wednesday approved a bill allowing the use of Russian military forces in foreign countries, including pre-emptive strikes.

Video Link Here

Rothschild Rues Difficulty Of Activating “Global Governance Agenda” At Copenhagen

(SteveWatson) – Baron David De Mayer Rothschild, the youngest child of Sir Evelyn de Rothschild, of the British wing of the Rothschild banking family, notes with regret that it is difficult to implement a world government, but that the climate change summit in Copenhagen is a venue to attempt it. Continue reading