Top Ten Most Glaringly Blatant Instances of Zionist Control in Canada for 2009

10.  Israel beefing up diplomatic corps in Canada

Canada is the only country in the world  getting two new Israeli consuls

This in addition to the secretive ‘Israel Allies Caucus’ ensconced in Parliament

27 August 2009

Israeli Ambassador Miriam Ziv hailed this as a “positive” step for ties between the two countries, both diplomatic and cultural.

“It proves the importance the Israeli foreign ministry places on our relations with Canada. The bigger staff will enable us to do more,” Ziv told The CJN last week from her office at the Israeli Embassy in Ottawa.

9.   Canada Votes Alone for Israel

Only one out of 47 nations on UN rights panel to refuse to condemn military offensive in Gaza

Jan 13, 2009

OTTAWA–Canada stood alone before a United Nations human rights council yesterday, the only one among 47 nations to oppose a motion condemning the Israeli military offensive in Gaza.

The vote before the Geneva-based body shows the Stephen Harper government has abandoned a more even-handed approach to the Middle East in favour of unalloyed support of Israel, according to some long-time observers.

Thirty-three countries voted for the strongly worded motion, which called for an investigation into “grave” human rights violations by Israeli forces, while 13 nations, mostly European, abstained.

8.   British MP, Broadcaster and peace activist George Galloway banned from Canada

21 March 2009

George Galloway, a British member of Parliament, has been banned from Canada on security grounds, the country’s immigration service has confirmed.

Mr Galloway, a Respect Party MP, said the ban was “idiotic” and he would look at legal action to try to overturn it.

British media reported the decision was due to his views on Afghanistan and the presence of Canadian troops there.

7.  Canada Boycotts Anti-Racism Conference, then Boycotts UN Speech

US, Israel and Canada Boycott 2009 anti-Racism Conference

April 20, 2009

…the decision was jointly made by Israel and the USA through senior officials of the U.S  State Department and the Israeli Foreign Ministry after the issue was discussed in talks between U.S Secretary of State, Condoleezza Rice, and Israeli Foreign Minister, Tzipi Livni.

Ahmadinejad’s ‘repugnant’ remarks behind boycott: PM

September 23, 2009

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said Mahmoud Ahmadinejad’s “absolutely repugnant remarks” about the Holocaust are reason enough for Canadian officials to boycott the Iranian president’s address to the UN General Assembly.

6.  Ottawa to spend $1M on Holocaust education

An Indoctrinated Nation – Canada – Ottawa to spend $1M on Holocaust education

June 01, 2009

Canada will contribute nearly $1 million to create a three-year national task force to study and educate Canadians about the Holocaust.

Immigration Minister Jason Kenney announced the task force in Toronto this morning at the start of a conference on the Holocaust that marks the 70th anniversary of Canada’s refusal to let hundreds of Jewish refugees aboard the St. Louis from Hamburg, Germany dock in Canada. The ship was forced to return to Europe and the refugees dispersed to various countries. Many would not survive World War II.

5.  Canada’s political leaders pledge allegiance to Bronfman’s Israel Lobby group

Harper, Ignatieff, Layton and May at 29th plenary assembly of the CJC and

June 01 2009

…practically falling over one another to show they love Jews – and Israel – best.

4.  Canada becomes Israel at the UN

12 February 2009

Canadian Prime Minister Steven Harper’s government publicly supported Israel’s brutal assault on Gaza and voted alone at the UN Human Rights Committee in defense of Israel’s actions three weeks ago. Now Canada has taken over Israeli diplomacy. Literally.

In solidarity with Gaza, Venezuela expelled Israel’s ambassador at the start of the bombardment and then broke off all diplomatic relations two weeks later. Israel need not worry since Ottawa plans to help out. On 29 January, The Jerusalem Post reported that “Israel’s interests in Caracas will now be represented by the Canadian Embassy.” This means Canada is officially Israel, at least in Venezuela.

3.  Conservatives Mail out Pro-Israel Pamphlets to Jewish Areas

Nov 19, 2009

Canada’s Conservative Party, led by Prime Minister Stephen Harper, has continued trying to win more votes from the 350,000-strong Jewish community by ever-so-delicately implying that its rivals are not big fans of Israel. (As in the United States, Canada’s relatively small Jewish population is disproportionately powerful. Canadian Jews tend to favor the Liberal Party, but there has been the inkling of a trend in the other direction.) Previously, Conservatives sent mailers to strategic neighborhoods asserting that several Liberal MPs attended the anti-Zionist Durban I conference (several did, though some claim this was to defend Israel); that Liberal Party leader Michael Ignatieff accused Israel of “war crimes” (he did, and has apologized); and that the party is soft on Hamas and Hezbollah (debatable at the very best)..

2.  Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism

Stealth plan to criminalize criticism of Israel

Dec 06 2009

One of the most recent – but almost totally unreported – developments in Canada is something called the Canadian Parliamentary Coalition to Combat Antisemitism (CPCCA). It is not an official parliamentary body but is a multi-party, voluntary association of 13 MPs. It is currently holding an inquiry into anti-semitism because, it says, “The extent and severity of anti-semitism is widely regarded as at its worst level since the end of the Second World War.

1.  Canadian government says Christian churches anti-Semitic–fury-grow…

Dec 19 2009

OTTAWA – The United Church of Canada and other Canadian churches are demanding Prime Minister Stephen Harper explain why one of his cabinet ministers accused them of being anti-Semitic.

The United, Catholic and Anglican churches are part of KAIROS, an aid group that was shocked to hear Immigration Minister Jason Kenney say its funding was lifted as part of the Conservatives’ effort to cut off anti-Semitic organizations.

Credits: Thanks to TalmudTimmy for the graphic, Fredd for pointing out the diplomatic corps buildup, Igor Alexander reminding me of the Jewish mailouts.

Source: ZioFascism

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