Video: Racist Government Imposed Segregation Laws, Not 2-Year-Old Rand Paul

(PaulWatson) – In an interview with Alan Colmes, Ron Paul points out that it was the government who enforced segregation laws, not his son Rand Paul, who is being branded a racist by the attack dog media for simply re-affirming the fact that even unpopular aspects of the First Amendment must be protected for it to stand for anything.

As we have exhaustively documented, the corporate media was intent on manufacturing a contrived race baiting scandal around Rand Paul even before the Civil Rights Act argument cropped up. In the immediate aftermath of his crushing defeat of establishment neo-con Trey Grayson, the media attempted to characterize the Kentucky primary winner as a racist elitist simply because he held his victory celebration at a country club.

Racist Government Imposed Segregation Laws, Not 2 Year Old Rand Paul  240510top3

Paul Joseph Watson
Monday, May 24, 2010

When this attempt to smear Paul fell flat on its face, the Civil Rights sideshow was ramped up, with MSNBC airing eight different segments totaling 37 minutes with every single guest attacking Rand Paul as a closet racist who wants to repeal the Civil Rights Act, something which he never said. Every single news network, along with a plethora of establishment liberal and neo-con blogs, parroted the talking point to the point where Paul had been demonized as some kind of Klan member who wanted to bring back segregation and black slavery.

In reality, as his father Ron Paul pointed out in an interview with Alan Colmes, Rand Paul was 2-years-old when the Civil Rights Act was passed and it was the government itself – the body that if people like Rachael Maddow had their way, would be given the power the regulate the First Amendment – who enforced racist and brutal segregation laws to begin with.

Host Colmes was refreshingly fair in acknowledging that Rand Paul was advancing a philosophical position and was not a racist as he has been branded by the media.

Ron Paul pointed out that the Civil Rights Act was passed before Rand Paul even went to grade school and that the genuine issues that concern Americans now have nothing to do with what the media is obsessing about, adding that it was idiotic to think that any business would refuse to serve black people because it would be a financial and public relations disaster, making the whole “controversy” a moot point.

“He’s actually taking a position very close to Martin Luther King – Martin Luther King wanted to repeal laws, he believed in boycotts, he believed in peaceful disobedience, those are the things that Libertarians believe in,” said Paul.

Paul explained his son’s position simply and eloquently.

“If you want your personal privacy protected, if you want your religious protection, if you want your choices on sexual activities protected, that means your house has to be sacred,” said Paul.

The standpoint of Rachel Maddow and her ilk, that the government should regulate the First Amendment in private homes and businesses, is not only a complete violation of the right to free speech as well as private property, but it would also be enforced by the state – the same entity that created racist segregation laws in the first place.

“Where did the real segregation come – from government,” said Paul, adding, “Government endorsed slavery, government endorsed the segregation law, how long did the government have segregation in the armed forces – up until world war two.”

In addition, it was the judiciary branch of the U.S. government, the Supreme Court, who in 1857 declared that black people were slaves with no rights as free men.

Despite the fact that it was government who passed and presided over laws on racial segregation and slavery, which Rand Paul said he would have marched with Martin Luther King to oppose, the Rachel Maddows of this world think the same entity tainted with the historical stain of enforcing slavery and racism should somehow be trusted and empowered to fairly regulate free speech within private homes and businesses.

“Recognizing private property and the role of government in segregation is what we’re trying to make a point on,” concluded Paul, adding that real issues such as the economic crisis were being ignored while the media hypes a fake controversy about a non-issue.

Watch the clip below.

Source: Prison Planet

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