Video: Quayle – EXTREME ALERT — Gulf Coast Evacuation Contingency Plans Soon to Go Operational

(TheIntelHub) – Steve Quayle has basically confirmed what we have reported and added some very important information to the equation. People really need to look into this, especially if you are in the Gulf. The Intel Hub is asking any chemist to get a hold of us or get a hold of Mr. Quayle as soon as possible. A chemist may be able to predict when these evacuations may happen. I am also asking anyone from Louisiana to contact me immediately. I did not post this to cause fear in anyway. Everyone should look into this on their own and make an educated decision on their next move. The Intel Hub is not telling people to get out of the Gulf, that is a decision that each individual must make on their own.

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Steve Quayle

The operational name for the Gulf Coast Evacuation is “Swift Fox”. Yesterday morning at around 8:30 Mountain time, I received information that specific towns, in Tennessee, Kentucky, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Georgia were having hotel rooms rented in mass by different named “Societies” using Federal government credit cards. The block hotel room rentals are for half the available rooms in hotels with a minimum of 120 rooms. Specific conversations were “overheard” that would indicate that the planned Gulf Coast evacuation is soon to be implemented. The only scenario I hear that may force the government to evacuate the coast is a multiple plume situation. Apparently, the unmitigated oil spilling has caused a pressure flux which, ironically, has caused a spider web network of Gulf seabed fissures, which has caused at least one other confirmed oil plume. NOAA is searching for two more suspected ones”. This quote is from an insider who is really concerned as he should be. Here’s additional info he provided. His comments in the following quote: “I know FEMA has already scoped out FEMA camp locations, i.e. vacant lots and swaths of land that can be leased temporarily in Texas and Georgia”.

The inside guy said it is up to the President to give the go-signal. There is an evacuation plan drafted and in place, ready for execution only *if* the administration deems it necessary. That can happen two ways. FEMA makes an emergency declaration with recommendation to POTUS (President of the US) for an evacuation or 2/3 of the Gulf States request federal help for an evac. States can individually declare an evacuation of their Gulf residents, but that would be a state action only, not FEMA/Federal”.

The Video is Part One of a Six Part Show. You can listen to all Six through the same youtube channel.

Hawk from Thursday June 10th

Part 1/7

Remember the photos that were sent to us of military activity within 32st Base in San Diego

Source: The Intel Hub

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