Gaza News

(PressTV) – Israel delays decision on Gaza blockade

Senior Israeli cabinet ministers on Wednesday failed to conclude their first meeting to vote on a proposal that could ease the flow of goods into the strip. Read More Here

(Salon) – Democrats demand flotilla “terrorists” be denied entry into U.S.

In case you thought a reasonable debate was still possible surrounding Israel’s botched raid of a humanitarian flotilla, the Jewish Community Relations Council of New York held a press event in Times Square today to prove you wrong. A half-dozen elected Democrats called on the State Department to ban every flotilla participant from entering the United States. Read More Here

(Naharnet) – Israel Warns Lebanese, Iranian Activists against Sending Ships to Gaza

Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor said attempts by Lebanese and Iranian activists to break the blockade of Gaza “would be seen not just as a provocation and a breach of law, but as a hostile act because the ships and their cargo are from enemy states.” Read More Here

(TodaysZaman) – Video shows brutal killing of Turkish-American youth by Israeli commandos – Read More Here

(CriminalState) – White House Correspondent Helen Thomas—A Casualty of Zionist Duplicity

Zionist operatives ambushed veteran White House correspondent Helen Thomas, a friend and a great American. When they won, America lost.

When reviewing the unedited video of her “interview,” what you see is a rabbi rephrasing her answers to a question about Israel. Her response: “They should get the hell out of Palestine.“ The United Nations long ago endorsed that stance.

It was not Thomas but the rabbi that offended the Jewish community. Language cited as “anti-Semitic” came not from her but from responses that the rabbi restated as leading questions. She simply spoke the truth: Jewish settlers should leave the occupied territories and, as she rightly said: “go home. Read More Here

(AsiaTimes) – Gaza still waiting for relief

Under intense international pressure, Israel declared last week it would ease its crippling blockade on Gaza by permitting an additional but limited number of daily items, including food, into the coastal enclave. Read More Here

(GoonSquad) – Video: A Season in Hell – Life in Gaza

An ongoing 60+ year nightmare visited upon the indigenous Palestinians by eastern European and Russian land thieves, which got kicked into high gear after the 9/11 false-flag. While the world was nervously scanning the skies, looking for another MOSSAD hijacked plane slamming into a skyscraper, Israeli land thieves went on a stealing and killing spree in Occupied Palestine.

Who stands to benefit from setting off the false-flag which ignited a war pitting Christians against Muslims? Certainly not Americans. And definitely not the Muslim world. But Wall Street banks have been making a killing off financing these ‘Crusades’ and Israel’s economy is doing just fine, while ours keeps sliding off a cliff into oblivion.

Cui Bono on 9/11?

“We who have posed as the saviors of the world; we who have even boasted of having given it “the” Savior; we are today nothing else but the world’s seducers, its destroyers, its incendiaries, its executioners…I look at this world, and I shudder at its ghastliness; I shudder all the more as I know the spiritual authors of all this ghastliness. . .”

Source: Goon Squad

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