Health News

(NaturalNews) – Flu vaccine push already underway; first batch causes seizures in children

As ridiculous as it seems, retailers across the U.S. are already stocking their stores with Christmas goods. It’s all about the big commercial push, of course, since retailers make about 50 percent of their profits during the Christmas season. Read More Here

(NaturalNews) – Vitamin D more effective than vaccines at preventing flu infections

A vitamin D supplement is more effective at reducing the risk of flu infection than vaccines or antiviral drugs, according to a study conducted by researchers from Jikei University School of Medicine in Tokyo and published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition. Read More Here

(Infowars) – Oxford professor calls for drugging water supply

Editor’s Note: Everything documented in this detailed article correlates with the ongoing eugenics operations of the Scientific Dictatorship already underway. Humanity is under chemical, biological and psychological attack. Please check out this essential research and share the information with everyone you know. -Alex Jones

Oxford professor Julian Savulescu says fluoridation demonstrates how populations of the future could be mass-medicated through pharmacological ‘cognitive enhancements’ added to the water supply. Read More Here

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