World War

(DesertPeace) – THE FORGOTTEN HOLOCAUST REMEMBERED – Anniversary of Hiroshima Bombing – Read More Here


(LewRockwell) – Interview: Doug Casey – War Is Coming – Read More Here

(UnderTheRadar) – UK Troops Use iPad to Make War More Like a Video Game – Read More Here

(AntiWarNewsWire) – WikiLeaks posts huge encrypted file to Web

Online whistle-blower WikiLeaks has posted a huge encrypted file named “Insurance” to its website, sparking speculation that those behind the organization may be prepared to release more classified information if authorities interfere with them. Read More Here

(GlobalResearch) – Why World War II ended with Mushroom Clouds

The unspoken objective of the atomic bomb was US Hegemony in Asia and the Pacific Read More Here

(PressTV) – Israel getting ready for ‘future wars’

A recent Israeli military helicopter crash in Romania reveals that Tel Aviv has operated other air exercises in European countries to prepare for “future wars.” Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Blair must be arrested

Having helped destroy other nations far away, our former prime minister — “peace envoy” to the Middle East — is now free to profit from the useful contacts he made while working as a “servant of the people”.

Tony Blair must be prosecuted, not indulged like Peter Mandelson. Both have produced self-serving memoirs for which they have been paid fortunes; Blair’s, which have earned him a £4.6m advance, will appear next month. Read More Here

(CaBird) – The War Party Who are they? What are they?

I often make reference to “the War Party” in this space: it’s a convenient shorthand, one that evokes an image of something sinister, even Satanic, and this serves my rhetorical purposes well. But if we unpack the concept, and look for examples in real life, what we find is a little more prosaic than Satan with a sword.

Speaking of real life, I’ve been on Judge Andrew Napolitano’s Freedom Watch show twice, of late (the second show has yet to be aired), and in both cases I was matched up with someone we might reasonably describe as a charter member of the War Party. Read More Here


(NewKerala) – ‘Klutz’ Cameron erroneously claims Iran possesses nuke weapon

British Prime Minister David Cameron has been accused of being a ‘foreign policy klutz’ after mistakenly claiming that Iran possesses a nuclear weapon. Read More Here

(AFP) – Ahmadinejad unhurt after motorcade explosion

“Stupid Zionists have hired mercenaries to assassinate me,” Ahmadinejad said in a televised speech to expatriate Iranians on Monday.

(JPost) – ‘Obama misplaced trust in Netanyahu’

Intel organization accuses Israel of ‘blindsiding’ US on Iran. Read More Here

(PressTV) – ‘Israel will be destroyed if it attacks Iran’

A group of ex-CIA officials have warned Washington against Tel Aviv’s efforts to “mousetrap” the US on Iran, a mistake that would “destroy” Israel.

In a memo to the US President Barack Obama, a group of former CIA intelligence officers at the Veteran Intelligence Professionals for Sanity warned that Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu is ready to go unilateral on Iran. Read More Here

(PressTV) – ‘Lethal force awaits Iran aggressors’

Commander of Iran’s Army, Major General Ataollah Salehi, has warned Iran’s enemies of a ‘crushing defeat’ should they risk encroaching on the country’s sovereignty.

“The army is ready to deal a heavy blow to any aggressors against Iran territories,” Fars news agency quoted General Salehi as saying on the sidelines of an aerial maneuver in Iran’s western Hamedan Province on Friday. Read More Here

(WSWS) – Obama threatens Iran

Obama’s purpose was to deliver a blunt warning to the Iranian government: it could either surrender to US demands that it abandon its nuclear program, or face US attack. Read More Here

(CatBird) – Attacking Iran: US options

When Admiral Mike Mullen, chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and the highest-ranking American officer, was asked recently on NBC’s Meet The Press show whether the United States has a military plan for an attack on Iran, he replied simply: “We do.” Read More Here


(WSWS) – German media attack WikiLeaks

The 92,000 secret documents published on WikiLeaks have dealt a blow to the German government’s propaganda campaign about the war in Afghanistan. They have exposed as lies the claims that what is taking place in Afghanistan is the development of democratic structures, the building of schools and drilling of wells, and so forth. The documents have revealed the brutality of the war being conducted against the Afghan people, and the role played by the Bundeswehr (German Armed Forces). Read More Here


(Uruknet) – Why is Obama moving to fund Israel’s Iron Dome project?

US President Barack Obama asked Congress to authorize $205 million to support Israel’s Iron Dome short-range rocket defense system. Read More Here


(PeaceByTruth) – Calling Gaza a prison camp is an understatement – Read More Here

(FreeGaza) – What You Don’t Know About Gaza – Read More Here

(OutofGaza) – The Bomb

The bomb that hit the former Arafat Compound near the Gaza Beach road was said to be the biggest to hit Gaza City since the onslaught of ‘Cast Lead’: the 3 week Israeli bombing and ground attack of the Gaza Strip during the new year of 2009. Read More Here


(CSMonitor) – Are China and America on a collision course?

“Korea War games sign of growing tensions,” warns a recent report by the BBC News. Dozens of similar international headlines warn of intensifying Sino-American strategic rivalry and even cold war. Read More Here

(GlobalTimes) – Strategic Conflict Inevitable Between China and US

In early 2010, conflicts between China and the US came thick and fast, leading to the most serious political disturbance between the two countries since the plane collision in 2001. At the beginning of April, as the heads of both countries talked over the telephone and Chinese President Hu Jintao attended a nuclear security summit in Washington, Sino-US relations became less tense. Tensions were further eased by the Second China-US Strategic and Economic Dialogue held in Beijing in May. Read More Here

(AP) – US lawmaker calls for sanctions on China, Russia

The United States should immediately impose sanctions on Russia and China under a US law that punishes major investments in Iran’s energy sector, a senior US lawmaker said Monday. Read More Here


Video: Iran Propaganda debunked in less than 6 minutes –

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