People “Running” Into Gun Shows, Panic Buying Ammo

A San Francisco Chronicle report about a gun show in Daly City notes that when the doors were opened, people came running in and immediately started panic buying ammo, again emphasizing fears about shortages and the Obama gun ban agenda.

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The USA Isn’t a Country, It’s a Corporation!

We celebrate this day in honor of our “independence”. We call ourselves a free people in a land of liberty. Our anthems proudly sing the praises of this nation, and we raise our voices, wave our flags and join in song –but how many Americans realize they are not free? This is a myth perpetuated by the powers-that-be in order to avoid any major civil unrest, and to keep us all living under the thumb of a militaristic corporate Big Brother within the illusions that have been created for us. The truth of the matter is this: what freedom has not been stolen from us, we have surrendered willingly through our silence and ignorance. As Americans, most of us have no idea how our freedoms are maintained –or lost. Apparently, our ancestors didn’t have a good grasp of this either. It is sad, but it is also very true.
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