End the FED Houston to Protest for the Abolition of the Federal Reserve, Sunday Nov 22, 2009

Sunday, November 22, 2009 local activist group End the Fed Houston (www.endthefedhouston.com) will be joined by Congressman Ron Paul, Adam Kokesh and hundreds of protesters at Buffalo Bayou Park between 1:00pm and 4:00pm to peacefully protest America’s central bank as the source of 2008’s economic woes. The Rally is titled “Save the Dollar, End the FED!” According to the group, the central economic planning and controlled devaluation of the U.S. Dollar have perpetuated and exacerbated past and present economic conditions. Continue reading

Video: Recently Surfaced Video Shows Numerous Mass Grave Crypts in Houston

The following video was shot in March when Infowars reported on the existence of mass graves in Arizona and Texas. On March 28, we posted photos of a mass grave site at the Houston National Cemetery administered by the Veterans Administration. Continue reading

Houston Cops Handcuff, Assault Man For Posting Obama Joker Flyers

A Houston man was handcuffed and assaulted by cops for posting anti-Obama flyers around his town, actions described as “criminal vandalism” by police and some local residents, despite the fact that giant pro-Obama murals are openly displayed in the same neighborhood for all to see. Continue reading

April 14-15: FEMA’s Interagency Continuity Influenza Pandemic Tabletop Exercise

Via: Imperial Valley News:

Most people recognize the value of a fire drill. Adults and children alike recognize the usual fire drill steps include evacuating the building and reaching a pre-designated spot.

What most people do not recognize is that a fire drill is really an emergency evacuation plan and emergency evacuation plans are growing to include drills such as an influenza pandemic event. Continue reading

November 22, 2008: End the Fed!

November 22, 2008: End the Fed!

Rallies for Sound Money Will Highlight Unconstitutional Monetary System

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