Why Talk of Secession is Wrong – JTCoyoté

(Infowars) – It was just plain wrong to arrest Dennis Steele in Vermont on April 1st at the state gubernatorial debate. Steele, the Secessionist Party Candidate for Governor of Vermont was merely, though persistently, asking a question of the other candidates regarding the use of ’state secession’ as a way of dealing with Vermont’s $50 million share of the National deficit — he was promptly arrested. This arrest however was unwise, primarily because it is not the way things are done in our free constitutional republic. Besides, the arrest was unnecessary, his non violent question has a very short constitutional answer.  Had there been another candidate or perhaps the moderator with a touch of constitutional savvy present, the situation would have been easily dealt with. Continue reading

Has President Obama, the Constitutional Lawyer, Committed Open Treason?

“Has President Obama, the Constitutional Lawyer, Committed Open Treason?”
When the president of the United States, Barack H. Obama accepted rotating status as chairman of the United Nations Security Council, he committed high treason… not only a direct violation of article 1 section 9 clause 7 of the Constitution for the United States of America, which states emphatically: Continue reading