Video: Army plans ‘DNA-blasting’ vaccines for mass innoculations during times of emergency

(AaronDykes) – DNA-vaccines are still untested and unsafe, but the Army is working to develop a new class of inoculations that can be rapidly developed and rapidly delivered to servicemen and civilians alike during times of outbreak or emergency.

The approach would utilize a gas-powered ‘gene-gun’ to blast multi-agent DNA-vaccines directly into cells without the use of needles, then stimulate the dosage with ‘electroporation,’ a technique the Army intends to become non-invasive but currently involves surgical exposure to muscle tissue. The mild shock can cause pain and tissue damage. Continue reading

Video: Alex Talks to Inactive & Active Military Servicemen About Police State Activity in Their Area

Alex takes calls in the last hour today to talk to military personal about what police stae activity they’ve been hearing and seeing in their area within the past few months. Continue reading

History Repeats the Same Old Lies

Queen Elizabeth II thanked British servicemen and women in her annual Christmas address but behind her thanks lies depths of profound cynicism. Continue reading

Afghan Terrorists or Freedom Fighters?

Afghanistan is rapidly becoming Obama’s waterloo as he accelerates our presence in an unwinnable war that is really an illegal occupation. If I were an Afghan, as I am an American, while a foreign force was landed in my country, I never would lay down my arms ! ~ Never! Never! Never! Continue reading