Video: Toronto Transformed Into Locked Down Police State

See Also: (CP24) – Protesters set fires, smash windows in violent G20 demonstrationRead More Here

(SteveWatson) – Sweeping police powers with no limits, military style checkpoints, LRAD sound cannons, huge makeshift prisons and a taxpayer bill of $1 billion Continue reading

MSM: G20 protesters could be hit with sonic guns

(TorontoSun) – The addition of sound cannons to the arsenal available to security forces managing G20 protests comes as no surprise to groups planning to demonstrate in Toronto at next month’s summit.

They say it’s just one more signal amid an unprecedented security operation that dissenting voices are being muzzled.

“We were expecting the use of sound cannons, sound grenades, Tasers, tear gas — they’ve been used in the past against Canadian protesters,” Sharmeen Khan, spokeswoman for the Toronto Community Mobilization Network, said Thursday. Continue reading

Toronto Police Purchased 4 “Sound Cannons” For G20

(CityNews) – The near $1 billion price tag for the upcoming G8 and G20 summits may have your head spinning, but crowd control devices acquired by Toronto Police will have you covering your ears.

According to a report in the Toronto Star, authorities purchased four long range acoustic devices, or L-RADs, also known as sound cannons, for the upcoming G20 summit June 26th and 27th.

Police said the devices will likely be used as communication devices. The L-RADs also double as loud speakers. Read entire article

MSM: Vancouver police get sonic crowd control device

(CBC) – Vancouver police have a new crowd control device capable of emitting painfully loud blasts of sound, just in time for the 2010 Winter Olympics, CBC News has learned. Continue reading

Dangers, Failures, Diversions and Shortfalls

(BobChapman) – The G-20 Pittsburgh Summit ended last Friday. Their official statements made for some novel and interesting reading. Continue reading

Military Attacks American Citizens With Sound Weapons & Tear Gas At G20

REUTERS UPDATE: Secret Service confirms that police are shooting #g20 protesters with “bean bags.” But check out what they look like. Via Continue reading

Less Government or Lower Wages? You Decide – Peter Schiff

The nationwide revelry surrounding our apparent economic recovery was disrupted this week by the release of lower-than-expected retail sales data. However, rather than sending a chill up the spines of those hoping for a quick end to the downturn, the numbers should be welcomed. Though this may come as a surprise to most observers, lower retail sales are precisely what our economy needs. Continue reading