The Inflationary Depression – Bob Chapman

The inflationary depression still dominates and probably will continue to do so. In time the stimulus will fail to work and the world will slip into total insolvency and deflationary depression. The old M3 is about 3%, but we still have $23.7 trillion floating around. Not only is the US bankrupt, but also so is the rest of the world. It is now only a question of when the dominos will fall. It looks like the first wave in the collapse of the bear market rally is underway. Bonds will follow with higher interest rates and eventually commodities will be hit. Only gold and silver will survive, as the bankers and Wall Street complete their destruction of the world economy. Continue reading

Dangers, Failures, Diversions and Shortfalls

(BobChapman) – The G-20 Pittsburgh Summit ended last Friday. Their official statements made for some novel and interesting reading. Continue reading

How Bad Will It Get? – Mike Whitney

The U.S. economy is at the beginning of a protracted period of adjustment. The sharp decline in business activity, which began in the summer of 2007, has moderated slightly, but there are few indications that growth will return to pre-crisis levels. Continue reading

Urgency of the American Monetary Act

On Thursday, April 23 2009, Stephen Zarlenga, director of the American Monetary Institute (AMI), delivered two briefings on Capitol Hill on the American Monetary Act that AMI drafted and that may be introduced as legislation during the current congressional session. This single measure has the potential of bringing together the tens of millions of people who have realized it’s our bank-run debt-based monetary system that lies at the center of the financial rot that is destroying our republic and its values. Continue reading

Jumping on the inflation train

(MarketWatch) – Less than 90 days ago, the financial markets were melting down, with the world’s economies mired in a deflationary death spiral that threatened to usher in another 1930’s-like extended downturn. Continue reading

Betrayal of the People By Wall Street, Banks, and Government

30 years of relations with china, Most banks wont pass the stress test, tax revenue plunges, large scale layoffs, GM in desperation move with bonds, Shareholders going after Bank of America, more real estate foreclosures, now we pay the price for allowing Wall Street to run rampant. Continue reading

MSM: ‘IMF currency’ can be floated within a year

UNITED NATIONS: A reserve currency system based on an IMF unit instead of the US dollar, a proposal floated by China, could be phased in within a year, Nobel Prize-winning economist Joseph Stiglitz said on Thursday. Continue reading