MSM: Harvard puts tighter limits on medical faculty

(BostonGlobe) – Harvard Medical School will prohibit its 11,000 faculty from giving promotional talks for drug and medical device makers and accepting personal gifts, travel, or meals, under a new policy intended partly to guard against companies’ use of Harvard’s prestige to market their products.

The conflict-of-interest rules also place stricter limits on the income faculty can earn from companies for consulting, joining boards, and other work; require public reporting of payments of at least $5,000 on a medical school website; and promise more robust internal reporting and monitoring of these relationships. Read More Here

MSM: The new climate change defence: ‘Yes, it’s getting colder, but it’s not as cold as it would be without global warming’

(BlogsTelegraph) – There’s a wonderful little nugget in today’s Telegraph, where Professor Mike Lockwood, a space physicist at Reading University, predicts that we’re about to go through the coldest winters for 300 years. But, he says, they’d be even colder if it weren’t for global warming. So the climate changers get to have their cake and eat it. Continue reading

The Micro Chipping of Americans? Relevant clauses of the House and Senate Health Bills

(IndyMedia) – Related links concerning this horrible ‘wealth care plan’ below.* Continue reading

MSM: Vancouver police get sonic crowd control device

(CBC) – Vancouver police have a new crowd control device capable of emitting painfully loud blasts of sound, just in time for the 2010 Winter Olympics, CBC News has learned. Continue reading

Government to Use Swine Flu for Another Control Mechanism

The government wants to take your temperature and/or scan you for the swine flu before you board a plane. In fact, they want you to have a “health screening.” From the website: Continue reading

Robocops Come to Pittsburgh …and bring the latest weaponry with them

No longer the stuff of disturbing futuristic fantasies, an arsenal of “crowd control munitions,” including one that reportedly made its debut in the U.S., was deployed with a massive, overpowering police presence in Pittsburgh during last week’s G-20 protests. Continue reading

MSM: Medtronic paid doctor accused of false study – report

(Reuters) – Medical device maker Medtronic Inc paid almost $800,000 in consulting fees to a former U.S. Army surgeon accused of fabricating a key study, according to published reports. Continue reading

MSM: Japan says N.Korea nuclear test “unacceptable”

(Reuters) – North Korea’s nuclear test would be a clear violation of the U.N. Security Council resolution and an unacceptable move, Japan’s top government spokesman said on Monday after Pyongyang said it had tested a nuclear device. Continue reading

The police can attach a GPS to your car without a warrant

It seems that the police, at least in Wisconsin, can attach a GPS tracking device to a car for any reason or no reason at all. No warrant or any level of suspicion is required. The case does not appear to be erroneously decided, and should withstand further review. It’s time for the captains of industry to develop a reasonably priced product that can disable such devices attached to cars. Continue reading