World War

(MSNBC) – Video: US Might ‘Assassinate’ Wikileaks Founder who ‘confirms’ it has new video of US massacre in Afghanistan

(KurtNimmo) – Armada of U.S. and Israeli Warships Head for Iran

More than twelve U.S. and Israeli warships, including an aircraft carrier, passed through the Suez Canal on Friday and are headed for the Red Sea. “According to eyewitnesses, the U.S. battleships were the largest to have crossed the Canal in many years,” reported the London-based newspaper al-Quds al-Arabi on Saturday. Read More Here

(VeteransToday) – Gordon Duff: The Cardboard Lotharios – Analyzing Staged World Conflict

In 2006, North Korea exploded a plutonium based nuclear weapon, an unsuccessful test of either a “found” nuke in poor repair, or something poorly designed. America had predicted that they were at least five years from this capability, we always hear the same story, everyone is five years from having nuclear weapons. On May 25th, 2009, North Korea exploded its second bomb, its first clearly identifiable nuclear weapon, a “Hiroshima sized” bomb, tiny by US standards. What we didn’t say is that the signature of this bomb had been seen before. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Democracy Now – Video: With Rumored Manhunt for Wikileaks Founder and Arrest of Alleged Leaker of Video Showing Iraq Killings, Obama Admin Escalates Crackdown on Whistleblowers of Classified Information – Video Link Here

(HuffingtonPost) – Kyrgyzstan Violence Claims Up To 2,000 Lives

Entire Uzbek neighborhoods of southern Kyrgyzstan have been reduced to scorched ruins by rampaging mobs of ethnic Kyrgyz who forced nearly half of the region’s roughly 800,000 Uzbeks to flee for their lives. Read More Here

(AntiWar) – Gates: Iran Might Attack Europe With ‘Hundreds of Missiles’

In what must be among the wildest speculations of the Obama Administration, Secretary of Defense Robert Gates sought to defend a massive US missile defense system in Europe by guessing that Iran might fire “scores or even hundreds of missiles” at Europe. Read More Here

Gaza News


Zionist supremacists from Tel Aviv to Los Angeles are ganging up on two elderly targets these days. The first is the 84-year-old Fidel Castro, a man who apparently made up his mind about Zionism more than six decades ago. And the second is 89-year-old veteran American journalist Helen Thomas. Read More Here

(ArabNews) – Israel’s propaganda war

Israel’s ability to shape public opinion regarding the flotilla massacre is intimately linked to its long-standing campaign to manipulate global public perceptions of what has been happening in Palestine all along since Israel’s birth in 1947. Read More Here

(Uruknet) – WHO: Medical equipment still banned from Gaza

Spare medical parts and replacements are, in practice, barred from entry into Gaza, or only arrive “after great delays,” a World Health Organization spokesman told Ma’an on Friday. Read More Here

(YNet) – Report: Egypt refuses to stop Iranian ships

Kuwaiti paper says Egypt denied Israeli request to prevent Gaza aid ships from passing through Suez Canal Read More Here

(Observer) – Flotilla Speakers Set to Sail Into New York – Read More Here

(SouthLebanon) – Israel’s ‘Final Solution’ – Read More Here

(PressTV) – Israel set to demolish 22 more homes – Read More Here

(Uruknet) – Gaza’s humanitarian catastrophe

While Israel says there is no humanitarian crisis in Gaza, in reality there is a catastrophe, writes Saleh Al-Naami – Read More Here

(MEM) – Israel threatens to arrest and try passengers of international ships bound for Gaza – Read More Here

(Haaretz) – Israel to UN: We reserve the right to stop Lebanon Gaza-bound flotilla Read More Here


World War

(Uruknet) – “Perfectly Safe: It Just Kills Plants … ” – Agent Orange and the Third Generation

It is not news that American troops fighting for the U.S. military in Vietnam were told by their commanders that the defoliants and herbicides sprayed by the U.S. Air Force were “perfectly safe…[they] just kill plants.” Read More Here

(AP) – NATO general in Afghanistan: Taliban train in Iran

The commander of NATO and U.S. forces in Afghanistan said Sunday there is “clear evidence” that some Taliban fighters have trained in Iran. Read More Here

(Haaretz) – Report: Gaza aid flotilla changes course to avoid confrontation with Israeli warships

Israel Navy ships reportedly made contact earlier with the six-ship flotilla, which is carrying 10,000 tons of supplies. Read More Here

(WPost) – Analysts question Korea torpedo incident

How is it that a submarine of a fifth-rate power was able to penetrate a U.S.-South Korean naval exercise and sink a ship that was designed for anti-submarine warfare?

Such questions are being fueled by suggestions in the South Korean and Japanese media that the naval exercise was intended to provoke the North to attack. The resulting public outcry in the South, according to this analysis, would bolster support for a conservative government in Seoul that is opposed to reconciliation efforts. Read More Here

(CounterPunch) – Vietnam MIAs: Ghosts Return to Haunt McCain and the US Press

The ghosts that haunt Senator John McCain are about 600 in number and right now they are mustering for an onslaught. Read More Here

(LewRockwell) – Is the U.S. Government Planning War to Quell the Tide of Economic Unrest?

In my opinion and in a word: Yes!


* “READY FOR WAR,” “U.S. Military told to get ready in Korea Standoff, Obama orders commanders to prepare ‘to deter future aggression.’” By Drudge and MSNBC
* “U.S. Begins Massive Military Build Up Around Iran, Sending Up To 4 New Carrier Groups In Region” by Tyler Durden
* “Clinton: Korea Must Face ‘Consequences’ For Sunken Warship”
* Homeland Security, Northeast Intelligence Network: “The Syrian Missile Crisis: Threat of War Very Real”
* “The Expanding U.S. War in Pakistan” by Jeremy Scahill
* “Yemen, Latest War Front?” by CBS News
Read More Here

(IrishTimes) – Predators, Warriors and Ravens: the CIA Drones Wage War

With 5,456 US servicemen killed in Iraq and Afghanistan, and the Afghan war going badly, the US military celebrates what it can. Unmanned Aircraft Systems, also known as Unmanned Aircraft Vehicles but referred to as drones, are the military’s most important technological asset. Last year the CIA’s director, Leon Panetta, called the Predator drone programme “the only game in town”. Read More Here

(C4L) – Too Many Wars Waged

The “War on Drugs,” like the “War on Terror,” ends up being an undertaking with no definable victory in sight. No matter how vigorously the federal government prosecutes its “war” on drugs, people will still use drugs. No matter how vigorously the federal government pursues the “war” on terror there will still be those who want to commit terrorist acts to get their points across.

Thus, we have two “wars” with infinite reach that use the threats engendered by their very own existence to justify their actions. Read More Here

(RussiaToday) – Video: “Attack against South Korean ship looks like false flag operation” – Wayne Madsen

While international investigators have accused North Korea of sinking a South Korean patrol corvette in March, China has taken a more cautious position.

Investigative journalist and RT contributor Wayne Madsen says it is because Beijing suspects there was greater deception at work.

“The Cheonan [navy corvette] was sunk by this torpedo that was later to be discovered to have been of German manufacture. Germany said it sells no military weapons to North Korea. This thing is starting to look like a classic false flag operation,” Wayne Madsen says.

“Kim Jong-Il who very rarely travels – and when he does, he only travels by train – went to Beijing. My sources in Beijing say that he went to Beijing, that Chinese authorities said that North Korea did this, he denied it. They were satisfied with his response,” Madsen adds. “Now the Chinese are very suspicious of the US’ intentions in richening things up in the Korean peninsula.”

Robocops Come to Pittsburgh …and bring the latest weaponry with them

No longer the stuff of disturbing futuristic fantasies, an arsenal of “crowd control munitions,” including one that reportedly made its debut in the U.S., was deployed with a massive, overpowering police presence in Pittsburgh during last week’s G-20 protests. Continue reading

Navy Vet Honored, Foiled Israeli Attack – Ray McGovern

What’s the difference between murder and massacre?

The answer is Terry Halbardier, whose bravery and ingenuity as a 23-year-old Navy seaman spelled the difference between the murder of 34 of the USS Liberty crew and the intended massacre of all 294. Continue reading