Robocops Come to Pittsburgh …and bring the latest weaponry with them

No longer the stuff of disturbing futuristic fantasies, an arsenal of “crowd control munitions,” including one that reportedly made its debut in the U.S., was deployed with a massive, overpowering police presence in Pittsburgh during last week’s G-20 protests. Continue reading

Robocops Come to Pittsburgh …and bring the latest weaponry with them

No longer the stuff of disturbing futuristic fantasies, an arsenal of “crowd control munitions,” including one that reportedly made its debut in the U.S., was deployed with a massive, overpowering police presence in Pittsburgh during last week’s G-20 protests. Continue reading

US kicks Iran war prep into high gear

Just days after the top US commander sketched out plans to strike Iran, the US military claims Tehran sent a drone into Iraq in February. Continue reading

We Arm the World

The United States once again leads the world in exporting weapons

A $7 billion missile-defense system for the United Arab Emirates. An estimated $15 billion potential sale of Lockheed Martin’s brand-new fighter plane to Israel. Billions of dollars in weaponry for Taiwan and Turkey. These and other recent deals helped make the United States the world’s leading arms-exporting nation.

In 2007, U.S. foreign military sales agreements totaled more than $32 billion — nearly triple the amount during President Bush’s first full year in office. Continue reading