Video: Glenn Beck Interviews Joel Rosenberg on Iran

Joel Rosenberg, an aide to Israels former Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, was on Glenn Beck recently, discussing the significance of Irans recent rocket and satellite launch mission into space.

Part 1 of 2

Part 2 of 2

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3 thoughts on “Video: Glenn Beck Interviews Joel Rosenberg on Iran

  1. I think Beck and his obviously Zionist leaning patriot in this vid clip should turn on the TV every Sunday morning to hear the END OF TIMES rhetoric being espoused by their fellow countrymen in the guise of the RIGHT WING RELIGIOUS FUNDAMENTALIST movement that supports ISRAEL attacking IRAN as they believe this is necessary for the start of ARMAGEDON essential to receive the SECOND COMING of CHRIST. Typical AMERICAN hypocracy – it is always THEM and NOT US attitude. It is ok for the US to sell arms and missles to ISRAEL but RUSSIA better not sell S300’s to IRAN and although ISRAEL has hundreds of nuclear war heads no one else in the MIDDLE EAST can have them… so what is with this double standard…either everyone or NO ONE! I SAY LET EHE BOTH BOMB THE FUCK OUT OF EACH OTHER AND HAVE DONE WITH IT….

  2. This is hard core propaganda of the worst kind!

    No offense to the rightfully thinking people around here, but a considerable part of your american society is plain stupid…

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