Video: Plastic coffin liners being delivered by the truckloads

A listener sent in photos of thousands of plastic coffin liners awaiting pick-up for truck delivery somewhere in Alabama.

This unsettling site may well correspond with concerned reports of mass graves being prepared at National Memorial Cemetery in Phoenix, Arizona, at the Houston National Cemetery as well as numerous other reports.

D.H. Williams reported in February on an Indiana county municipal official received detailed requests from FEMA and the Department of Homeland Security in regards to locations for mass graves, preparations for regional refugees, preparations for economic collapse and budget cuts under a GM collapse, as well as the locations of major installations, emergency assets and more.

The official, heard in the video below, says that he became concerned about the intentions of of the FEMA and DHS officials, whose scenarios apparently included a potential bird flu outbreak, alongside fires, floods and earthquakes.

While it is certainly true that cemeteries undergo routine expansions and utilize pre-made burial sites, concerns have grown over FEMA preparations for large numbers of death under various crises.

We have also received reports about questionnaires, such as this one [pdf linked] from the New York State Division of Cemeteries issued in 2007, which solicits details about the capability of individual cemeteries to deal with “mass fatality or pandemic situations.”

“Should a prolonged mass fatality disaster or pandemic flu occur in your community would your cemetery be able to provide temporary or permanent internment space for a significant number of disaster or flu deaths in additional to your current burial services?”

The state of Colorado issued an executive order in 2000 asserting its authority to bury victims in mass graves and/or cremate bodies under emergency situations. Jim Erickson of The Rocky Mountain News reported February 8, 2003 that:

The state of Colorado could seize antibiotics, cremate disease-ridden corpses
and, under extreme circumstances, dig mass graves under executive orders
drafted for use in the event of a bioterrorism attack.

Below is video of some half a million plastic coffin liners spotted in July 2008 awaiting pickup outside Atlanta, Georgia, also for unknown distribution.


3 thoughts on “Video: Plastic coffin liners being delivered by the truckloads

  1. Sounds to me like a government sponsored disaster is due to wipe out a majority of our people and for taking control of our people that survive, blaming the event on some disaster or epidemic, giving their secret forces the opportunity to search and seize weapons during the onslaught, or to administer a drug to Americans all in the name of a helpful serum against bird flu or something, then the drug either kills or puts Americans to sleep. Right now, most Americans cannot and will not trust whatever our government says, that isn’t a good thing. If they do administer some miracle drug, I ain’t taking it, I’ll take my chances.

  2. i think i would just rather be told that i can’t have kids becuase your genetics are flawed. or just kill us and tell us the truth that we are depopulating becuase there are too many of us. look at the muslims. they willingly blow themselves up. they got to come up with a new religion to make us be ok with getting gased or burned or something. id’ do it. i don’t really give a shit. im just sick and tired of all the lies and deception.

  3. How was the figure of 500,000 reached? In a mass grave scenario wouldn’t dead people be rolled into a pit instead of placed individually in coffins? There’s a chance the coffins are a stockpile at or near the manufacturing facility somewhere in Alabama.
    This looks like the company’s website:

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